"You know you love us.." | Teen DCFDTL x Male teen! Reader

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(It wasn't specified whether the Delighful Children were teens as well but I went with them being teens for the sake of my dumdum brain. They are all 16 yrs.old,
Requested by:anxietylauren)

Great, Another boring monday, not to mention it's the day after spring break...

The day starts out with Y/N stretching his arms as he gets up from the bed and groggily tries to stand up whilst still rubbing his tired eyes.
He starts walking towards the bathroom and does his daily routine, Once finished he continues his way to the kitchen in which his mother prepares his breakfast of eggs and bacon with a side of toast.
His little brother already eating his plate as he was doing some sort of coding in a makeshift computer disguised as a lunchbox with the words 'L.U.N.C.H.B.O.C.K.S' written on the front.

He sat down as he ruffles his brother's hair which he gets annoyed of but goes back to his little computer coding as both brothers eat their breakfast.

Once they finish their plates of food, Y/N puts the dishes in the sink and washes his plate as well as his brother's as he tries not to bother his mother with more chores than she already has.
"Oh, how sweet of you, honey. You didn't have to do that." His mother's sweet voice rang from the doorway of the kitchen as she walks to her son's side.

"No worries, mom. I gotta go to school now, Don't overwork yourself and if you need me just give me a call, kay? Love you.." Y/N says as he tends to be a bit timid with those words since he is a teen now and he finds it very embarrasing to say yet he is still a mama's boy at heart.

"Yeah mom, Make sure to get some rest, Love you." His little brother added as both boys get their bags ready and kissed their mother's cheeks and she pinches both her son's cheeks in return, Y/N's little brother already grumbling and blushing with embarrasment, waited for his older brother at the doorway.

"Oh, well aren't you just the sweetest babies a momma could ever ask for. Thank you,huns. Love you too, Have fun at school now, boys!" She chirped as she walks her two boys out the door.

They both waved their mother goodbye as they walked to their respective bus stops, The highschool bus arrives as Y/N ruffles his little brother's hair and both chuckle before they seperate.

The bus ride was quite uneventful, The teens inside the bus however were quite loud and noisy. Some were throwing paper balls at each other, a few tend to gossip about one another's events and others even play loud music as if it isn't ear drenching enough.

Once the bus arrived at the front of the highschool and everyone got off is when Y/N started to feel more bored than usual.
Fortunately, His friends finally showed up and they chatted as they enter the school doors and went straight to their lockers to collect some of their stuff and putting away others.

"I'm telling ya, If we hurry up once school is over we can get those extra limited edition Yipper cards from downtown!" One of Y/N's friend named Hoagie Giligan exclaimed excitedly making Y/N smirk at him.
"Alright Alright, I'll bite but you still owe me a smoothie after last week's trouble you dragged me in."
This made Hoagie rub his neck and laugh nervously as he recalls the event and how much trouble he was in then.

"Oh oh, Y/N! You should totally come eat lunch with us today, I made extra yummy treats for all of us just for the right 'back to school' ocassion!!" Kuki Sanban; One of Y/N's friends and was the most energetic and sweetest one of them all, She took out her history book then closed her locker.

"As long as it's sweet, I don't mind getting a bite out of, baby!" Abigail Lincoln; One of the smartest and coolest girl in the school, says as she takes out her notebooks and closed her locker.

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