DCFDTL x Babysitter! Reader (2)

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(More of Babysitter Reader cause I love the concept of them having another person take care of them properly,
Again the children are 10 in average and  Reader is 16-17)

The children have much rather change a slight ever since Y/N came around, After Father's business trip he returned to the mansion with a releived sigh as it was all over and was greeted with dinner on the table and the children helping Y/N arrange the table.

This wasn't the only time he has found the children like this, They have become  more obedient and much more genuine with their feelings since Y/N had visited.

He always comes back after work to see Y/N and the children spending time together all happy and smiling, It slightly bothered him a bit but didn't pay no mind knowing his kids aren't getting into trouble anymore.

He would always gratefully thank Y/N for the trouble and pay them handsomely as well, He has taken a liking to them as no other sitter was more included with the children as they were and they didn't even talk about the amount they might recieve like the others did as they merely agreed because their parents thought it would've been a good idea to have Y/N out of the house for once.

Unfortunately, Y/N had to inform Father they were going to visit their home country for a family gathering and won't be back for a few days, Father understood and had wished them a safe trip although a certain hive-mind didn't take kindly to the new information their Father told them.

"Father, What do you mean Y/N isn't here to take care of us?!" The children looked at their Father with wide eyes filled with confusion and sadness,

"Well, they've informed me that they are visiting their home country to attend a family reunion. Honestly, A few days without them wouldn't be so hard, would it? I mean how complicated can their schedule be?" Their Father says with shrugged shoulders but fails to notice the upset faces of his children.

"Y/N always wakes us up at 6:00 am sharp and gets our clothes ready before hand, gives us baths at 6:15, help us with our attires at 6:40, brushes our hair at 6:55 and makes us breakfast at 7:00 am! Our routines are precise and we were supposed to go to the movies, They promised!!"
The children exclaimed at their Father as he merely looks at them with a surprised expression never knowing what impact you gave these kids.

He has never seen them this upset yet just sighed and places their breakfast in front of them and sat down to drink his coffee.

The delightful children had given up and just sighed and ate their breakfast silently yet they knew breakfast wouldn't be as peaceful if Y/N wouldn't be here to help them cutting their food or spoonfeed them when they feel like it.

Father had  looked at the time and get up,
"Okay, children. I'll be off to work now, Be sure to finish your breakfast and wash your dishes, Jenkins will be watching over you again while I'm gone." Father then leaves to get to work.

The children didn't mind as they were used to not seeing Father as much when he's busy but they still couldn't get their minds off of their sitter, They truly do miss them...

The time seemed to move so slowly that every ticking of the clock can be heard,
It was so lonely without them and frankly they didn't know what to do besides just wait.

The children were so lost in thought they didn't notice Jenkins with a phone in his hands and it was ringing,
"It's for you, yound sirs and madams.." Jenkins says in a low monotone voice.

They looked at each other and merely answered the phone uninterested to know what other villainous product another boring evil salesman bothers to offer until they heard the familiar voice calling out to them,
"Hello? Kids,can you hear me properly or am I lagging?" Y/N asks the children yet they were frozen in their tracks by surprise of hearing their sitter's voice again.

"Y/N, IS THAT YOU?!" The children shrieked at the phone even Jenkins had to cover his ears from the other room, "Woah woah, Easy there. I can hear you just fine no need to yell! Haha,How are you kids?"
Y/N chuckles through the call yet again the children were so baffled just knowing Y/N still cares enough to call.

"We were so worried you didn't show up today!"
"You promised to play with us too!"
"We miss you, Where are you?!"
"Did we do something wrong for you to not want to take care of us anymore?"
"Y/N please come back, We miss you!"

5 different voices can be heard talking above each other and barely even made sense other than the ones you could hear properly, "Oh kids, Settle down now! One at a time please.
First off; No you didn't do anything wrong,
Second; Yes, I know I said we'd play today but I'm at a family reunion and won't be back for a few days
and Lastly; Aww, You kids are so sweet!"

Y/N can hear the soft sniffles and sobs the children made and couldn't help but melt the teen's heart a little bit, The call continued for another hour as the kids were talking and sharing the things the did and things they want to do today with their babysitter which was enough even if they're somewhere else.

It was a little diffcult trying to hang up at them but at some point they agreed and said goodbye till Y/N can call once more.
But until then, They'll just have to wait for their sitter to return.

*4 days have passed*

Y/N came by the Delightful Mansion with the permission of Father as he was at work and wanted to surprise the kids by making breakfast and getting their clothes ready and bathtub filled with a bubble bath.

The children were surprised at the preparations of clothing and the bathtub all ready for a bath yet they merely shrugged it off and thought Jenkins or Father did this beforehand,
Until it did surprise them more once they realized who was cooking the delicious breakfast in the kitchen.

There stood their sitter in a pink apron on and was already making a 6th batch of pancakes,
"Oh! Good morning,kiddos! Thought I'd make breakfast before starting a beautiful day, Who wants pancakes?" Y/N enthustiastically places the plates of food on the table for the children yet they were frozen in places which made Y/N a little nervous.

The children suddenly ran towards Y/N and attacked them with the biggest bear hug they've recieved,
"We missed you so much!"
"Don't ever leave ever again!"
"Where've you been?!"
"Y/N,We missed you!"
"Please stay forever now!"

Y/N merely laughs and hugs the children in a big group hug and smooched their foreheads as they snuggled their heads in delight, "I missed you guys too! I got presents for you but you have to finish breakfast first." The children then started getting up and sitting down to eat quickly which made Y/N chuckle.

"Good to have you back,Y/N. Did you have a nice trip?" Jenkins came in and helped the teen up as they dusted themselves off,
"Yeah, But would've been better to have you guys around." Y/N elbows Jenkins gently as they handed him a plate of pancakes and coffee.

"Much appreciated." Jenkins leaves the room for you to deal with the children as you sighed and went to pour the kids some orange juice and wiped their messy faces off.

Needless to say, Even attending 100 family gatherings or reunions will never be as great without them..
They're your family now, And truly you love them.
(Thanks so much for everyone reading my stories and voting them, It means alot for you guys enjoying my content and I hope everyone has a great day!💙)

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