"I love you.." | Lenny x Deaf Fem! Reader

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(Guess who's back, dollies. Sorry that I haven't been publishing for a bit now but this should start me back up or maybe something,
Requested by: Gloomy_Storm )

Today seemed so different for some reason...
Lenny couldn't put his finger on it but something was different from today..
Maybe it's the sun?
Maybe it's the weather?
Maybe it's something he's eaten?
He's not very sure but something about today was quite unfamiliar to him..

"Lenny! You left your helmet in the bathroom! Again!!" Alessandra can be heard from the bedroom the hivemind children shared. Lenny jumps as he starts to touch every side of his head and noticed he did in fact forget his helmet in the bathroom....again...

He walked up the flight of stairs and towards their shared room to find his sister already leaning against the door frame holding his helmet in one hand and an uninterested expression on her face.
She hands him his helmet with a stern look,
"I appreciate brushing my hair without having to find your helmet lying around... This is the third one we had to replace this month, Don't ruin it.."

Lenny could only sigh and nod at his sister's words as she hands him his helmet and walks back to the bathroom to continue her business, Lenny looks at his helmet and polishes it a bit with the sleeve of his uniform then puts it on his head and adjusts it to his liking.

Today was just like any other day for the children, It was time for another mission in which to destroy the Kids Next Door and finally give the adults the glory they deserved.
The children had been blueprinting another one of their robots and had finally been able to finish their glorious masterpiece.

Although after a few hours of fighting, The children had been defeated once again leaving them bruised and covered in dirt and muck.
As the rest of Lenny's siblings were making their way back to the mansion in hopes that their father was not full with rage as usual whenever they lose but it takes him quite a while to catch up considering he had lost his helmet in the aftermath.

He managed to have found the discarded helmet only to find another hand holding it underneath his, He looks up to find a girl the same age as him and he could slowly feel the heat rush to his cheeks as he realized what had happened.
He could barely speak words properly and his eyes couldn't look anywhere else other than hers in which she smiles and hands him his helmet

Lenny shakes his head to snap him out of his own trance and nervously chuckles, The girl tilts her head still with a smile. She could tell when a person is uncomfortable, She reads their body language.

She starts to do things with her hands where Lenny got caught off guard because he wasn't sure what she was doing... What is this girl doing? Was she signing at him?

Lenny couldn't form the words but something inside him shouts at how pretty her eyes were, how her hair flows and how sweet her smile is even though he has no idea what she is saying.
"U-uhh... H-hello? My name is Lenny, And you are?"

The girl could only smile at his response as she continues to sign at him yet he still fails to understand her.
Lenny could only do so much and just stare at her doing different things with her hand gestures trying but never really knew what she was trying to tell him. He slowly pointed to her direction and asked,
"I'm sorry but um.. Are you mute?" he tries to say in a polite way, The girl tilted her head in confusion then slowly her eyes widened and she scratched her head feeling quite embarrassed.

She pointed to her ears and shook her head while keeping a smile as to show it was no hard feelings, Lenny thought of it for a moment then it hit him. She was deaf.

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