The Changeling: Chapter Nine

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When the wolf emerged, it lunged for the changeling.

I had no control over the animal, and was yet again a helpless observer.

It didn't matter, our desire was the same.

Locked in a wrestle, the changeling and wolf tumbled through the trees and toward the tavern. I had no worry over being seen, for the only thought in my mind was killing the creature beneath me.

The changeling fought viciously, clawing at my nose and eyes with sharp fingernails. It knew the precise tender spots to aim for, and when it found them I howled in pain. The wolf bit down on the body of the child, who screamed as it was swung through the air. 

It wasn't until a stone hit its head that the wolf released Moira. Stunned, I looked up to regard my assailant. Angela stood several feet away, her eyes wide with terror and tears streaming down her cheeks.

What a sight she must have beheld! What thoughts raced through her mind in those frightful seconds?

She called for Sampson and he was by her side in an instant with a blade in his hand. The changeling played its part well. Through cries of pain, Moira's little arms were raised to show the bloodied skin.

Stop! I cried from inside the wolf. They're going to kill us!


No, don't hurt them! You must run! Now!

A reply came, not given with words, but emotion.

The wolf was conflicted. The drive to kill was strong but muddled by worry, and for the first time I sensed caution in the beast.

If I could just talk to them, I thought.

The wolf responded in the worst possible way.

A tickling ran through its fur.

What are you doing? Not like this—listen to me!


I imagined beating the animal's head with my fists. I swore at it and demanded it to run as fast as it could, but the wolf withdrew into itself. Tufts of fur fell to the ground.

You've killed us, I whimpered.

The wolf did not answer.

You might be resigned to die, I snapped, but I'm not.

As hind legs stretched and straightened, I put all my strength into gathering myself from the ground and heading into the woods. I had only managed to pull my head up when searing pain bit into my body.

Sampson was prepared for another wolf encounter.

My leg, hovering between wolf and boy, was caught between iron teeth. Quick as he could, Sampson hammered a spike to keep the trap in the ground, while I laid in agony, fearing what the next few moments would bring.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Angela gather Moira in her arms. She raised the chain from the child's neck and turned to me.

"Demon!" she shrieked, but her mouth remained open, caught between anger and horror, as she watched the wolf contort into an unrecognizable form.

I felt my snout caving inwards. My claws retract.

The changeling wore a hideous smile.

Sampson joined Angela's side, and he examined his daughter before gasping.

"She's got burn marks on her neck!"

When the couple looked at me their hands flew to their mouths.

I'll never know what they thought as my bones broke and knit together. Sampson turned and bent over, unleashing a spray of bile from his mouth. Angela turned herself and Moira away and covered the child's eyes with her hand.

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