The Beast Within: Chapter Two

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A tortured cry echoed through the woods.

Miles from the cave where Credence and Josiah sat, a monster had caught a most precious treasure.

The claw that pierced through the shoulder of a frightened animal lifted into the air, dangling the bleeding body like meat on a hook. The animal turned its head away, not wanting to look upon the horror that held it, fearing that meeting its gaze would bring further pain.

"You did not answer my call," Ajo hissed. "I was forced to find you."

He caught the blood that fell with his talon, then smeared it across the victim's face. Ajo mused to himself that the shade suited it, for it made the animal's expression look red with shame.

"You should be ashamed for what you've done. Treason is often answered with execution."

"Kill me then," the animal moaned.

"Why would I do that, when I have use for you? Only after you serve your purpose will I grant you such a release. Until then, you will remain alive, and it's your choice whether your last days are spent in service or agony."

Ajo turned the sufferer around to face the great prison behind them. The animal's eyes grew wide with terror.

"What do you think of my new tree?" Ajo asked.

Hundreds stared back at the pair, and all their expressions were twisted in pain.

"You're mad," the animal whispered.

"But I am still your king. Where is my wife? Where is Credence?"

"Gone. She left the woods to escape you."

"That's a lie. I can feel her presence in the trees. I'll burn them down and leave her nowhere to hide."

"She'll fight you."

A second claw drew close to the animal's belly, threatening to pierce it.

"I welcome her challenge. It's time to show the woods a king's true power. One last chance. Tell me where she is."

The animal answered with silence.

The screams Ajo pulled from it pleased him, but he was careful to stop at the brink of death. When no more breath was left to voice its pain, the animal was laid on the ground, where it remained on its side, gasping for air.

"You know where she's going. Tell me, or I'll heal you and start again."

Fur fell to the ground, and in the place where a wolf once occupied, the trembling and exhausted human form of John appeared. He raised his hand to the sky, silently begging the heavens for death.

"So be it," Ajo said. "We'll start with a leg."

John's attempt to endure agony without giving in did not last long.

After a piece of skin was lifted from his knee, he told Ajo everything.

Credence had found her brother. They were likely headed to a colony of wolves. It took little urging for John to reveal its location.

Long claws curled into a fist and Ajo struck the ground, making the dirt quake and crack. Talons and pinchers rose from the soil as a dozen wicked beings came to life.

"You know where to go and what to do," their master told them, and the creatures took off to obey his command. "The war begins. Perhaps I will have wolves in my ranks. Or more subjects to join my tree."

Ajo's skull turned to the east.

The humans may have something to offer, he thought.

This is not right, a second voice cried. Why must you pursue this path?

Why pursue any path at all? a third voice asked.

Ajo flinched. The cacophony in his mind never ceased, and he wished he could pull the tormented voices from his head.

You were a good man, once.

You still are.

You are powerful. You must show them.

You must be merciful.

"I will do what I please," Ajo said out loud.

And what is that?

You don't know what you want.

"I do."

You want your bride by your side.

You want the world in your grasp.

You want Galeia alive.

You want to change the past.

You want to be a monster.

No, not anymore.

Yes, that is the only way to be happy.

Everyone hates you.

Ajo shook his head.

"Quiet," he whispered before turning back to John, who was struggling to pull himself onto his hands and knees. "You've been a good hound. I had considered making you a general in my army, but now you'll join the spoils of war."

Another wail was torn from John's throat as Ajo lifted him once more.

"My beauties," Ajo cooed to the living hoard in the tree. He flicked his wrist and conjured a large lantern to hang from one of the branches, then lifted its lid and placed John inside.

"I will find my wife and conquer the woods one patch at a time. The Queen may try to stop me, but she'll find only her death in the pursuit. And if any of you think there is a chance you'll be freed...let this be a reminder of the power you belong to."

He touched a branch and sent a jolt of magic through the tree.

Inside their cages, the prisoners shrieked in pain. Their keening rose into a symphony of hopeless despair. 

None were louder than the cries that carried from the lantern, howled by the beast within.


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