Ambrosia: Chapter Six

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The night it happened, Ambrosia had a funny look.

She would not tell me what bothered her, but it was obvious in the careful and quiet way she prepared dinner that something was wrong.

The wolf and Ambrosia buried the remains of two weasels in the garden and settled near the fire for their nightly conversation. Instead of beginning with a memory of her life, Ambrosia remained eerily silent. When the wolf nuzzled her hand with its snout, she didn't reach down to pet it.

"Men are coming," she whispered. "I can see them. They're preparing and they are angry."

"Preparing for what?" the wolf asked. 

"They're coming to kill me."

There was no emotion in her voice. No fear or hate or sadness.

Her answer stunned me, for until this moment I fully believed I was supposed to be the hand that struck her down. It had been the only thing that kept me confident her death would not occur.

I remember the way she looked, beautiful and calm, a beacon of kindness, and the love I felt for her filled every inch of the wolf. The connection we shared was built from time and patience. It was special, and I knew there was nothing that could take that connection away. If I had to, I would kill the men.

"Your face shows your mind as clear as the sun," Ambrosia said. "I know you wish to save me, but you cannot."

The wolf began to protest, but she held her hand up.

"Take comfort knowing this couldn't be stopped. I am ready to meet what's ahead. I've been preparing for centuries." Her hand fell gently on the wolf's mane. "Do you remember when we spoke about cruelty? How it can either lead one further into darkness or bring wisdom to those who choose to rise above it?"


"Choose wisdom, Josiah. No matter how hungry your vengeance grows, or how hurt your heart may be."

"I will do anything you ask of me."

"What I ask of you? No, choose it because that is what will make you whole. Be a light in this world because you want to be nothing else. If you do that, I will adore you for all of time." She looked at the scroll hanging on the wall. "I would ask something of you. I hope you accept it, but will not be angry if you refuse." When the wolf nodded she continued, "You were the Champion of the Pit once, but I do not believe it suits you anymore. Now I would have you be my champion."

"Tell me how."

She held her hand under one eye and blinked. A tear fell and was caught on her finger.

"Do you swear to be kind and gracious? To go forth and look on darkness as your only enemy?"

"I swear."

"Will you combat savagery with patience and spread love through the world?"

"I will."

"Then receive your lady's mark."

The wolf laid its head in her lap and closed its eyes. A soft touch transferred her tear to its snout. When it opened its eyes, Ambrosia had changed. She was still beautiful, but much older. Her hair was silver and wrinkles settled around her mouth and eyes.

"I have waited so long for this night," she said, "and I have waited for you, my champion and Herald. When I depart, I will leave a gift for the world that has fascinated me for centuries. You, Josiah, are that gift. Rise, not as the wolf, but as the hero you are destined to be."

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