Meeting of the Minds

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This is my first attempt at writing a fic so don't expect professionalism just sit back with a snack and enjoy the ride.

"All Might"
(Authors notes)

Quirkless. He was quirkless, thought one Izuku Midoriya, as he left the doctor's with his mother on what he was sure was the worst day of his life, oh how wrong he was.

"Hey Deku" shouted one Katsuki Bakugo.

"What is it Kacchan"? The greenette asked.

"What kind of lame-ass quirk did you get"? The blonde asked condescendingly assured that no quirk could be as good as his.

"The doctor said I don't have one". Izuku replied looking for sympathy from his 'best friend'.

"HAHAHAHAHA, so you really are a Deku" Bakugo laughed and mocked.

In hindsight, Izuku ended up thoroughly regretting his decision to inform his first friend of his condition as it opened a floodgate of abuse, pain, and suffering. For over an entire year, the blonde tormented the greenette with his quirk and hurtful words along with his goons, as did the majority of his peers whilst the rest actively ignored him. Some teachers at his preschool tried to help but most simply ignored the problem thinking that children are just cruel and would eventually get bored of picking on the poor boy.

———1 year later, Izuku is now 5——-

Whilst Izuku and his mother were out walking a new path due to construction they came across a store that Izuku felt a strange need to enter, the store was called 'Prequirk Adventures' it specialised in all media pre-quirks so Izuku entered hoping some new reading material would lessen the pain of his life, and oh what a twist of fate it was. Izuku was immediately swept up in the pre-quirk adventures of fictional superheroes and supervillains who didn't use quirks, powers and mutations as they were referred to in the comics, but technology unlike anything he'd ever seen or heard of. Heroes like Iron Man, Batman and the Bat-family, Ant-man, the Atom, Hawkeye, and Green Arrow but it wasn't just heroes who used technology the villain's tech was just as impressive like the battle suits of Lex Luther, Kang the Conqueror, and Dr Doom who fought heroes who could destroy entire worlds. He was so absorbed that he didn't notice a certain blonde American reading over his shoulder, who made her presence known when she giggled at a funny bit, which startled the young boy.

"Oh, story to startle you" the blonde said in plain English forgetting she was in Japan.

"Um there, hello, Izuku Midoriya I'm," the five-year-old said in broken English not fully understanding its differences from Japanese, since he'd started learning to watch All Mights American interviews.

"Oh hello Izuku" she said politely not remembering that In Japanese it's customary to refer to people by their second name not their first.

"I'm Melissa Shield, nice to meet a fellow prequirk enthusiast". She said with bounce and excitement in her voice.

"Actually I just started reading them today". Izuku said shyly not being used to talking to girls or anyone for that matter, but that name 'Shield' he'd heard it somewhere before.

Melissa looked with shock at the 3-foot-high pile of comics that Izuku had read in his first binge of prequirk material.

"Anyway would you like to read together I know a lot of good reads" Melissa offered with kindness in her voice.

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