Another small step for mankind and preparing for finals

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—Hosu hospital: Melissa's room—

The early hours of the morning had begun and we see our intrepid heroes along with Iida in a hospital room at Hosu general, Melissa had been admitted for her concussion but it was nothing serious, Iida had a small slash on his arm but again nothing deadly. Bakugo on the other hand was on the ICU, having taken a sword through the torso that had scratched his spine and punctured a lung, the doctors said he'd live but that wasn't what they we're currently thinking about.

"The hell was the blonde blaster thinking"? Mei said, breaking the tension.

"Bakugo had always seemed to be unstable, I attributed it the stress of UA, but, and I know this may sound hypocritical, to willingly go vigilante. It baffles me, I at least had the reason of vengeance, all he wanted was the glory". Iida explains, in utter confusion.

"But to not just go after the hero killer, but too attack Melissa who'd already caught Stain. It just beggars logic". Izuku states, still trying to wrap his head around the blondes actions.

"Logic is rarely a priority of the insane. Woof". A voice came as the rooms door opened.

In came the the Hosu chief of police, as well as three other adults, one of whom was in a wheelchair.

"Chief Tsuragamae, and... who are they".? Izuku asks, before another voice cuts in.

"Mother, father, Tensei! Why are you three here"? Iida asks his now revealed family as his mother approaches him.

"To scald you". His mother states before dragging him out the room as the rest of the family follow.

"I deserve this". Was Iida's internal thinking, until he saw that the room they entered was occupied by Gran Torino.

"So this is how I die". Was Iida's last thought when the door closed behind him.

"So... Chief, what beings you here"? Melissa asks, curious to the chiefs purpose.

"To congratulate you three on capturing Stain. Now normally if you three had used your quirks capture him you'd be in trouble, your friends Iida and Bakugo certainly are. But since two of you don't have quirks and Miss Hatsume's can't affect people, you three along with officer Himeno are getting the credit. Woof". The chief explained, surprising the trio since they hadn't thought about the aftermath of capturing Stain, they never really thought about credit in general.

"Thank you chief Tsuragamae, and as for Iida and Bakugo, go easy on Iida he had no intention of being their last night. As for bakugo, go to town, it's clear he doesn't care for the consequences of his actions and i think it's time he learned them". Izuku states, with an exhaustive tone.

"That's going to be harder than you think mr Midoriya". Came a voice over the codec.

"What the! Dean Nezu, have you been listening in on us"? Izuku asks the Dean, confusing the chief.

"Yes, now I'm going to call you by phone, put me on speaker so that chief Tsuragamae can hear me". Nezu explains as Izuku's phone begins to play his 'Flash Gordon' ringtone.

"What on earths going on"? The chief asks confused.

"Apologies chief Tsuragamae, I merely wanted to speak with all four of you, and this was the most effective way". Nezu explains over the phone.

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