Assault on the Camp

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—Eve of the final day—

As the last day of summer camp came to an end everyone was exhausted, they'd been training for 5 days straight with rare breaks for food and recovery. However, they where all proud of themselves, they'd all improved their abilities massively and become much stronger than prior to the camp.

In their rare occasions of relaxation new friendships had been forged, new rivalry's emerged, and enough s'mores where eaten to chock a Fat Gum. The camp had been a massive draining yet fruitful success.

Control was attained, output was improved, new applications where unlocked, and new strengths where discovered.

As the days light faded over the mountainous horizon however, the WWPC had one last opportunity for them.

A test of courage.

Despite all being exhausted they accepted the test.

The four heroes gathered them all together and split the classes in two. 1B would be given 30 minutes to prepare numerous methods in a section of forest to scare 1A, who would in turn enter the forest 2 by 2 and try to endure the horrors or cry trying, the roles would then be reversed after all had attempted to enter.

However, as they would soon learn, they had more to fear tonight that simple scares... and a handful of them knew it.

—Night of the Attack—

After 6 groups had entered and 3 had left the forest of horrors and the 7th prepared themselves they were all suddenly interrupted by the smell of smoke, and a bright cerulean light.

As everyone looked up they saw a raging inferno covering the forest in blue flames, and an enormous cloud of purple gas.

Immediately the WWPC sprang into action to do what they did best, save people.

Ragdoll and Pixie-Bob dashed into the forest to help the students. Tiger would've followed but he was indisposed, as began to follow them a blackish purple portal opened in front of him allowing what looked like a large magnet to fly out of it and strike him as he barely blocked the hit.

"Aww, and here I thought I'd get one of the kids". A, 'man'?, said they exited the portal and hooted the magnet over their shoulder.

"Oh well, guess you'll do. Be a gentleman and die for me will you sweetie". Magnae states as they rush Tiger.

"Keep the students safe! I'll deal with this one". Tiger shouts to Mandalay, just as a walk of blue flames separates the two of them.

"Looks like I hit the jackpot. Time to die losers". A man's voice states catching everyone's attention.

They look and see a man covered in patchwork and burns in a black coat emitting blue flames from his hands.

"I take it your with the league"? Izuku asks, as he starts trying to use the codec.

"Trying to use that weird telepathy of yours? Don't bother, we've got a NOMU emitting white noise over this entire area". Dabi stars with a vicious grin.

"Doesn't matter, theirs 6 of us and just one of you". Aizawa states, taking a stance.

"Trust me I'm more than enough for you exhausted losers". Dabi stars cockily, blasting more flames.

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