The Finals Pt. 2

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—Observation deck—

As the genius trio entered the arena the class began talking amongst themselves about the odds of their classmate's victory.

"So... What are their chances of winning"? Kaminari asks the class in general.

"The trio's technology is indeed incredible, Midoriya's limbs, Hatsume's transforming weapons, and Shield's adaptive armaments make any of the trio a dangerous foe. Though they are fighting nearly the entirety of UAs staff along with 8 pro heroes, even they may be challenged". Iida replies, praising the trio's strength, but being realistic with the numbers.

"Not only that, but they're all also geniuses, and I have no doubt in my mind that they have counter strategies for every type of quirk and user. But as Iida said, the numbers are a potent factor, especially seeing as their foes all possess superior experience and training". Momo interjects, giving her an evaluation of the trio's chances.

"Their power and skill eclipse all of us, and like Yaoyarozu said their geniuses, so it wouldn't surprise me if they've significantly upgraded their equipment. I'm pretty sure I saw Midoriya putting on his Gilgamight limbs instead of them growing out of him". Todoroki states to add his two cents, causing the class to consider what upgrades the trio may have applied.

"It doesn't matter how tough our teachers and those pros are, it's Midori, Meli, and Mei, they do the impossible before breakfast every day, so let's route for them"! Mina cries out with her normal enthusiasm.

"I think you guys misunderstood my question. I wasn't asking if our classmates had a chance of winning, I was asking if our teachers and the pros stood a chance at victory". Kaminari explains, with a grin of confidence causing the class to begin cheering for the trio, and all except one.

"Will you all just SHUT UP, it doesn't how 'tough' those three are because they're facing All Might, and I'm the only one powerful enough to fight him. They're going to lose, I'm going win, and show all of you that you should respect me and me alone". Bakugo thought to himself conceitedly, as he watched along with the rest of the class hoping the trio lose to make his eventual victory even better.

—Teachers and extra heroes vs Monitor + Mechalady + Armoury—

The trio entered the enormous suburban area after their 10-minute prep time, armed to the teeth. Each of them had equipped themselves with the best and most effective gear they could build.

Midoriya's Gilgamight limbs were significantly bulkier than before, seeing as they were now augmented with Melissa's biotech myomer that he had improved further by altering its DNA to match the USJ NOMUs strength quirk. His force field had been fully upgraded to its current peak, it could now withstand the fury of several mid-yield nuclear bombs, and thanks to again the USJ NOMUs quirks, this time its shock absorption, it could disperse the kinetic shock of kinetic attacks far more efficiently.

Melissa had equipped her adapter armour, it wasn't her strongest suit variation but it was ideal for facing multiple opponents with different abilities at once. Along with that, she brought her electro-staff, a stun gun and the two plasma casters she used during the sports festival, as well as numerous anti-quirk cubes.

Mei was loaded up with enough nanotech to create enough munitions to make a Texan school blush. Her nanotech packs, with help from Melissa, could become anything in their arsenal that didn't require any significant chemical components, so she brought some, a dozen clips of macron ammunition strapped to her back and hips.

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