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Jisung was securely cuddled up with his best friend in one of the corners of the gently cushioned dark gray couch, sighing happily at the delightful thought of just spending a whole summer chilling with the bestest person he could ask for. If everyday would be this serenely wonderful and of raw peace, then he might just forget about attending any college in a few months time and completely ditch it. Of course, that wasn't ideal in the slightest, but he could fantasize as much as he pleased. It couldn't harm to do so, right?

Minho's mind was still captivated by whatever charming dreams his brain projected for his precious sleeping form as it rested at ease with Jisung within the hold of his arms. His breathing was entirely even and synced with Jisung's. A tiny, almost inaudible snore escaped his body every so often as it would, soothing Jisung beside him.

Jisung left Minho to dream tranquilly and hold him, for so many reasons both obvious and oblivious to him. For one, Jisung recognized rather easily how exhausted and irritable his dear friend was from the late night celebration of liberty from school's hold on their tired teenage selves. Neither wished in any way, shape or form to go to said party, but Felix and his cheery and social self had dragged the duo along involuntarily. And despite leaving earlier than probably possible, Jisung and Minho never even reached the familiar comfort of Minho's street until well past three-thirty that very morning.

Which left them at the second of many reasons for leaving Minho's beautiful self asleep and passed out with him: the poor guy was guaranteed a fiercely god awful hangover. And not just any old 'I drank a bit and now I'm just having a little headache' kind of deal. His head would he wrecked over with the presence of a pulsing headache radiating like a bomb through his skull. Without a doubt, he'd be grumpier than he usually was and would refuse to get up. So why provoke a wild bear if you don't wish to be attacked?

Third of the reasons for leaving Minho asleep that Jisung would admit, but yet one he'd be reluctant to spill was simply that he couldn't resist the sight of a sleepy Minho. His sweet face was in a euphoric peace that made him look so precious. His eyes closed lightly and moved and twitched adorably. And his eyebrows moved as images played through his head like a long movie that he'd most likely forget when his hangover struck him in the gut with a metal bat of pain and frustration. Jisung couldn't bear to wake such an angelic being, especially when he was so very rarely this at ease. That would be ridiculous and frankly stupid on Jisung's part.

Maybe he should just go back to sleep too. After all, he still needed a lot of rest from the long hours of getting beyond wasted and doing stupid teenager shit that he'd never do sober. Even though he'd been sober since a while ago when he woke up and chugged glasses upon glasses of water and took a bit of horrid tasting medicine to soothe his own hangover issues, he still felt like utter rotting garbage. Plus, it'd be awkward and strange for Minho to awaken to him awake and clearly having been that way for awhile.

Although, despite all of his wishes to keep Minho remaining in this wonderful state and adrift was interrupted by none other than the older's orange and white mixed cat making a huge leap to dive onto Minho's back. And just as Jisung and almost fallen back into the grasp of sleep again. Groaning, Minho nearly smacked the creature as it kneaded his sore back, it's mini knives of fury pulling viciously in and out of his skin and shirt in an unpleasant pattern. Maybe his precious cat truly was the spawn of the wicked devil and was out to get both of them. Or well it seemed that way by its cruel behavior of ruining their treasured sleepy time.

"Sung..." Minho mumbled incoherently and tiredly, pulling the boy in his arms tighter to his chest and enforcing the loose grip his two limbs had around Jisung. His sore leg then extended to hang over two of Jisung's as he muttered more words that Jisung couldn't understand and squeezed him affectionately, mindlessly letting words fall from his soft lips as he latched on as tightly as humanly possible to his best friend.

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