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"Min, we need to double check, remember last year when you forgot to bring clothes for the last week and you had to borrow mine and shop," Jisung reminded the older, not wanting history to repeat itself. Though it was more than probable considering how many times they'd left important belongings in the dirty dust. Jisung still assumed voicing the message was better to make Minho aware of checking again and check himself so he'd at least have even the tiniest chance of leaving less things necessary for vacation.

Nodding tiredly in agreement, Minho sleepily pried open his stuffed luggage cases one by one like tough crab shells for the two of them to carefully inspect. There were tons of them scattered in no particular order around at the base of the stairs. That's why they'd enlisted the help of their parents who were coming any minute now. For the meantime they'd have to make do with just the themselves.

"That seems good, but I still packed some extras of stuff in case either of us forgot," Jisung concluded, tapping his chin in focus as he thought of everything to make sure he hadn't missed anything.

"Okay, but I think we'll be fine," Minho shrugged dismissively, too worn out to care as much as he normally would.

The door then swung open, revealing four familiar guests divided into two loving couples. Jisung's mother carried her characteristically bright smile and energy and his father was still trying to muster up an eighth of his energy, clearly still very much drowsy. Minho's parents were already fully awake, considering they both had a habit of waking up really really early.

"You needed help, sweeties?" Minho's mother asked, gesturing to the assortment of luggage piled mountainously by their tired feet.

"Definitely," Minho yawned for the umpteenth time and stretching some more, the coffee he had earlier clearly still not fully kicking in and awakening him. Jisung had even gotten his favorite. Well, their favorite, iced americano. A lengthy plane flight did not sound amazing to Minho right now.

"Well then, let's get to it," Mrs. Han suggested, gripping the typical styled handles of two matching luggage cases and heading towards the door with them, "Minho, did you two put up Soonie?"

"Mhm," The exhausted boy mumbled, stepping over a jet black luggage case and practically tripping over himself to open the simple blue wooden door. The cool knob of the door met his hand and he turned it, pulling it towards him and backing up for Jisung's mother to exit the house with the two cases. Exchanging quick glances with Minho, Jisung tried to motivate both himself and Minho to move at least something.

Their own attempts were but crumbs from the lack of proper sleep and hours of packing, but Jisung and Minho handled as many cases as they possibly could, leaving the rest for Minho's mother and father to get along with Jisung's dad. Dragging handles around mindlessly, the six of them combined stuffed the youngest of the two teens's parent's sleek silvery car to the brim and packed themselves in to where the vehicle resembled a juicy thanksgiving turkey.

"Alright boys, now is a perfect time for you to be sure you have everything, but if you don't then it's not gonna be my problem so..." Mrs. Han announced when everyone was all buckled and all. Jisung glanced in every possible direction before his eyes returned to his best friend's beautiful dark ones. Minho met his gaze with a small sleepy smile and nodded lightly to give the younger a reminder to relax for now. Jisung copied his gesture subconsciously and alerted his mother that they were perfectly ready to leave whenever.

Gently a feathery smile graced Minho's pinkish lips once more as Jisung latched peacefully onto his arm and drifted away into a much needed rest. The boy's lean limbs wrapped like the pretty red ribbon of a Christmas present around his singular arm. His head fell limply upon the upper bit of his shoulder and a sweet plump cheek smushed into the outer stretches of his collarbone. Just like that, Minho's adorably clingy best friend was out like a broken lightbulb.

The traffic was thoroughly congested as they got closer and closer to the airport's overly populated region making what was predicted to be a single hour closer to three consecutive ones. While it was frustrating to know he'd only have the teeniest amount of time, Minho was satisfied with just being close to Jisung's warm body for now as the other napped out on his chest, having slid ever so slightly as the car trailed down the bumpier parts of the road's asphalt path.

"Sung," Minho whispered gently into the resting angel's ear. They'd arrived at the airport's immaculate parking lot, it's endless expanse of white paint carving out the slots in which a thousand or more vehicles were at their stop for the moment.

Jisung murmured something quite unintelligible and incoherent, so Minho tried once more to awaken him fully. At the sound of his most treasured friend's sweet voice, he arose with a drowsy start. A dry line of solidified drool coated a side of his soft face and his hair was disarrayed in the tiniest of fashions. His eyes were droopy with an obvious air of thick fatigue surrounding their appearance.

"We have to get on our plane, remember?" Minho tapped the boy's smaller shoulder and propped his body up more, prepping him for the process of standing up and leaving for the trunk just behind the two of them. Jisung groaned much like an elementary school child being awoken from his slumber for the purpose of tedious education. Nevertheless, he quit his series of whining and unbuckled along with his best friend and wobbled like a penguin would along the icy mounds of land. Minho waited for him patiently next to their parents, already going at it with unpacking the luggage from the silver car's loose grip.

"Thanks, Min," Jisung yawned, as the older boy handed off some his luggage. Minho continued his job of loading the bags and such off onto the steaming ground. He'd definitely never admit it, but Jisung looked so adorable when he just woke up. Even with the crusty stream of saliva stuck to his face he had a cute domestic feel about him that no one was anyone else was able to replicate to his exact liking.

"You're welcome, now let's get going before we're late."


Apologies for the dry update after disappearing but whatever my writers block is killing me bc I vent by writing things irrelevant to my life. And god forbid I don't feel tired every second. Welp I wish u all well and stream Allergy bc I'm obsessed.

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