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Minho lead Jisung as they swiftly barged like usual into Chan's house, occupied by a collection of rowdy guys in their late teens. That of course earned them a 'much needed' lecture from the oldest of the group about knocking first. They probably should've expected that from the parent-ish persona of Chan. Even though they've opened the pastel yellow door thousands of times without knocking prior. And every single one of those thousands of times they received the same thing.

"He's only saying that so you don't walk in on him and a certain person getting down and dirty," Felix muttered shivering as scarring images danced evilly in his mind.

"Damn right," Hyunjin nodded, already traumatized by the couple's antics. He thought that the precious baby of the group would be more... wholesome to say the least. Certainly, he never expected for him to be one of the kinkiest people alive on the huge planet earth's mass. It was shocking and quite utterly unexpected from everyone.

"Shut up and quit bashing me and my precious Innie, you peasants," Chan glared at the two, returning to laying on the couch with Jeongin wrapped securely in his arms like a koala clinging desperately to a eucalyptus tree's bark.

"Then stop traumatizing us for God's sake, you ruined the innocent image I had of Innie," Felix shuddered, Chan and Jeongin glaring at him for the umpteenth time since their arrival, even though admittedly it was probably their fault that incident occurred in the first place.

Shortly after a session of everyone partaking in roasting Chan like usual, all eight of the overgrown children began raiding Chan's room for blankets, pillows and anything to create their ritualistic movie night pillow fort in the oldest's roomy living room. The tradition has begun as a thing at Felix's house back when just Jisung, Minho and Felix were a trio in early elementary school and would come over almost daily to watch Disney movies on the regular and Barbie movies. Then at the beginning of the first grade, a short kid named Changbin moved within the neighborhood's classic black gates and befriended them despite their constant teasing of his height (which still continues today) and joined in on their blessed movie night. Later that year, another group of four from their neighborhood met them at the playground as they slid like lazy snakes down the basic blue slides and that's where their close group of eight originated. Throughout all of their school years they remained an adorable, yet beautifully tied group and even now just after high school they wouldn't let go of their friendship.

Minho and Hyunjin spread the first few blankets selected specifically by Jeongin and Jisung on the floor's carpeted surface, designing a comfortable substitute for the air mattresses they could never fit in the fort without the delicately made weave of blankets and unstructured pillows collapsing like dominos onto the floor. Seungmin set the pillows up with the help of the dear Felix, before blanket after blanket was intricately layered upon each other by all of them. The display when they were satisfied with it was a sight they always cherished before crawling in to create a cuddle pile.

"Wait! We forgot snacks! How did we forget snacks?!" Felix screeched, bolting to the kitchen to yank snacks out of the wooden cabinets within Chan's house, Jisung and Jeongin following not long after, Chan and Changbin groaning miserably when they were kicked accidentally by the rushing three.

"Popcorn?" Jisung gestured to the popcorn maker that sat on the counter, still plugged in from the last time it was in use and ready to produce the white puffs of corn for them the moment he poured the kernels in. Which he began doing when Felix nodded swiftly, racing deliriously like a high person to find Chan's super secret skittle stash in the cabinet.

"Good luck finding that," Jisung snickered as he thought of the impossibility of Felix finding the coveted fruit candy. Everyone knew that the only person Chan shared his stash with was Jeongin, because he had boyfriend privileges and according to Chan was too cute to resist.

"I'm not spilling where Channie's stash is because that'd be less for me," Jeongin added, laughing evilly like a kdrama villain as he poured a bowlful of his favorite pretzel sticks that Chan kept an insane stock of in his household just for him. Felix continued to whine about how mean the couple was and how he needed his treasured skittles to live. Jisung and Jeongin just cackled at the latter, who would not give up on his dreams of skittles.

"Three minutes!" Chan called to those dwelling currently in the kitchen, sending them into a rush to finish gathering junk food that would probably make them high off of sugar and calories. Chips upon chips and bags and bowls of random foods were thrown wildly as the three rushed to get everything together before the movie began.

Felix, Jisung and Jeongin were still scrambling to pop some popcorn and swipe a few more snacks as Chan rested in the huge pillow fort comfortably while threatening to start the movie. From the kitchen, the three remaining pleaded for mercy, Jisung snatching the popcorn after it finally popped after centuries of wait. Chan was obviously just trying to get things started because they hadn't even picked a movie yet, but he figured no harm no foul.

Once everyone was settled within the fort, Hyunjin set up the projector and the screen on one of the walls of the monstrously sized fort. Snacks were distributed and nearly caused the third world war over the cult favorite hot Cheetos they all so desperately craved. Minho was lucky that his best friend since birth had darted to him and snuck them their own secret pile of goods, which included the hot Cheetos the others fought over.

One pile of bodies eventually laid across the blanket coated floor once more as they argued over the movie choice. Minho and Jisung pushed for The Green Mile. Jeongin, Felix, and Hyunjin wanted Frozen II. Chan was already so done that he didn't care, and Changbin and Seungmin surprisingly voted Little Forest.

"Play rock paper scissors for it," Chan sighed, shaking his head like a parent. One more argument and he'd snap like the pretzel in his mouth which had a little too much salt on the end for his liking.

All of them chose representatives to play for their movie choice. First up was Seungmin against Minho, with Minho being the victor and Jisung accompanying his win with cheers and a hug. Seungmin pouted, leading to Jisung sticking his tongue out at him tauntingly.

Jeongin followed the match, dueling Minho determined ass. The older of the two won, but Chan of course had a hard time saying no to his baby and Frozen II was on the light flicking to create the screen. Until Jisung snatched the black remote and clicked on The Green Mile from the menu of recently watched.

"This is why Jisung is my favorite dongsaeng and you all suck!" Minho cheered, high-fiving said dongsaeng as they reveled in their victory. But the remote was once more stolen by Hyunjin and Frozen II began playing from the start as everyone shut their traps and cuddled in close. A chorus of grumbles followed but Chan only said to shut up and watch. Afterall, the trio who picked the movie had hidden the remote.


Second update today. Question: What's your favorite Twice song?

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