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Minho and Jisung were curled up tightly together like tiny little kittens, far into the sweet land of extravagant fantasies far from the much, much crueler stretches of reality's touch. The youngest of the two had his nose buried comfortably into the soothing fabric of Minho's pastel blue hoodie, one leg falling like a nibble tree branch on top of the other's own two legs. Minho had an arm gracefully draped over Jisung's body that had fallen there while floating in the clouds his dreams provided. Their bodies were a gentle nudge away from the enormous compiling of six mostly resting boys clumped together in odd positions they'd only willingly be in while in their current states.

Chan was still very much awake, eyes popped open and resembling the slim crescent of the moon in its beginning phase. The sparkling galaxy of wonder emerged specifically and only for admiring Jeongin's pure innocence in its rawest, purest of forms. A soft coo emitted from the pinkish tip of Chan's lips at the tiniest of snores Jeongin let out in his unconsciousness.

Clinging desperately like a whole koala to Hyunjin's side was Felix's delicate body, his mouth allowing the tiniest drool to slip from the corner's tiny gap. Hyunjin subconsciously attached himself further to Felix as the two sleepily hugged each other tighter and tighter if it was humanly possible for them to get closer at this precise moment. Hyunjin had another parasite latched onto him from behind named Kim Seungmin, who proceeded to keep his forehead pressed light as a feather into the cozy comfort that the older's sweatshirt brought to him. And on top of the three clingy boys was Changbin stretched like a starfish as he lay above them all like they were a golden throne holding up his buffed up body. He served as a warming blanket even though three of those exact objects were situated on the four.

As the oldest, Chan took up the bittersweet task that came with being such and took the hand held out to the idea of awakening the seven sleeping beauties. Starting with the easiest to rouse from slumber without unnecessary injury by the masses. Which was almost impossible mind you if you knew the damage that could be done if Jisung and Minho were separated unwillingly. Changbin was the first choice as waking up the three beneath him would cause their sacred pile to collapse like a sinkhole in on itself, which would be completely and utterly unfavorably for everyone present.

Poking his rather ripped shoulder a bit lightly in retrospect, Chan had to repeat the tiny action so he would make it through to the boy in his dream-dazed state of now. Changbin awoke with a startled flinch and stretched an arm widely with a low yawn. Chan sent a letter in one look, the message stating to be extremely conscious of his movements for the sake of himself and the precious trio underlying. The shorter boy nodded gently, slowly but surely slipping his limbs down and crawling in caterpillar like manner to meet the soft touch of the blankets under them that seemed to act as a coat of paint to cover up the painful sensation of laying on bare flooring. Now flopped onto the floor lazily, Chan took what he could get in the situation of current and moved onto the treasured pairing of the second oldest and his questionable and rather adorable "best friend" which Chan doubted, especially with how they appeared right now.

He would gladly poke the two awake in a second or scream like a mother fucking banshee into Minho's ear if it wasn't for how freaking adorable they looked. It would just be straight up cruel (I love Cruel by Twice it's so amazing) to do that to the duo. So Chan snapped a few blackmail worthy photos of them before turning to Changbin on the ground nearby.

"Changbin," Chan whispered cautiously to the second oldest of his "younger brothers" as he formed his plan devilishly on a map in his mind, "Could you- could you maybe wake up the boyfriends, I don't think I'll be able to poke them hard enough or yell enough for them to wake up," He continued on with his small act of mischief, watching how Changbin fell for it like he fell for Jeongin's pretty little braced smile all the way back in fifth grade. Truly, Chan was a genius to make Changbin do the dirty work in his stead knowing the consequences if he did it himself.

•𝓥𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷•Where stories live. Discover now