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Minho slumped into the passenger's seat of his own slick, black car that was definitely more modernly styled than the other's as Jisung lead them somewhere by the steering wheel resting in the grip of one hand wrapped solidly around it. The car had a monochrome theme throughout it that was oddly comforting with its not so various shades of blacks and grays and white. Minho hadn't yet brought up the question of where they were headed to quite yet, as Jisung had plainly informed him they were going out for food together and then just popped open the door of the car without much further explanation.

Minho trusted Jisung's judgement in food though, so he wasn't worried about it, and he frankly didn't feel the urgent need to start conversation as the silent atmosphere shadowing over them was comfortable and fell naturally without awkwardness that they'd have with if with others instead of them.

Nevertheless, Minho found himself thinking of ways to blurt out the question of where the heck Jisung was taking them to eat. It didn't matter how he worded it and he knew that acknowledgment feel in his head but he didn't care. He was a firm believer that the way things are asked determine the way they're replied to. Which made sense to Jisung too to some degree or amount obviously.

"You wanna go to that café near us? I think some caffeine would do both of us some good and you said you liked their food there," Jisung ranted before  Minho could even begin to form his own question on his pretty pink lips. Minho hummed an 'mhm' that Jisung recognized as a 'yes' easily and kept driving as he'd been doing only for a short distance so far. They didn't have much further to go anyways since the café Jisung had mentioned was not even five miles away from their neighborhood.

The sign's bright lighting was muted by the sun's heated rays as it came into Jisung's line of vision and displayed itself. A proud statue it was as it stood, stiffly peering at the winding snake of pavement trailed by tire lines and various indentions whose stories would be left untold to humans like Jisung and Minho. Jisung always liked observing signs as they traveled. No matter if the aforementioned was planted for the purpose of restaurants or zoos, he just simply had a liking, or rather a unique interest for looking at them.

Turning right into the decently filled parking lot, Jisung pulled in and corrected his parking job to fit neatly into the white lines staining the expanse of solid black pavement.

Popping open the dark colored door from the inside, Jisung lead himself and Minho into the decently sized café. The familiar vintage theme came to life with its vinyl records lining the walls along with loud posters of popular bands from the past. Booths that appeared to be made of cherries with their classic bright red coloring covered the smooth black and white checkerboard.

Routing around the cozy booths, Minho raced Jisung to the stool like chairs sitting vacant in the center of the diner, facing a seemingly mile long stretch of table with the classic bands of metal lining the edges just like the chairs. Leaping to make the swift jump, Jisung beat Minho, a teasing pink snake almost instantly poking out from behind his paper white teeth. Minho's face contorted into a fake pout as they giggled joyfully like young children in their elementary years would on any given day.

Unconcealed laughter still flowing youthfully from their lips, the two settled themselves ever so slightly at the expected sight of a waiter heading their way to note whatever they wished to eat for the day.

"I want pancakes," Jisung thought aloud, seeing Minho's look of concern and slight confusion at the idea of breakfast at this ungodly hour. But Minho simply shrugged his concern away, this was Jisung, it'd be more startling for him not to make odd decisions than a plump panda to appear in a toilet's bowl. Plus, a fluffy stack of pancakes practically bathing in golden syrup that he'd poured centuries too much of sounded delectable now that he thought about it.

•𝓥𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷•Where stories live. Discover now