Chapter 16

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Watching Marley sleep was easily one of my favorite pastimes. Rose had started on breakfast, which Esme had graciously stocked, and Marley was curled up against my side. One of her legs was across my waist, lusciously nude, and I had my palm resting on the side of her bump. The baby was being active. I was soaking in every nudge, every flutter.

My baby. Fatherhood was something I had only imagined when envisioning a human life with Rose. I had not yearned for it with the same fierce longing as she had, but now that it was happening I found myself giddy, wondering how I never wanted it as badly as my Mate had.

Beside me, her thick red curls fanned across the pillow, Marley stirred. I listened to the steady thrum of her heartbeat, the slight change in her rhythmic breathing as those long lashes fluttered.

"Mm." She snuggled deeper into my arms, peppering kisses along my bare chest. "Good morning." The warm, spicy cinnamon scent of her skin surrounded me; I smiled lovingly down at her.

"Good morning, my love," I retorted, tilting her chin up for a kiss. "Bathroom?" She'd gotten up about a dozen times throughout the night, cranky and muttering to herself, to pee.

"One more minute," she whispered, closing those foggy forest eyes again. I rubbed her back lovingly. Rosalie, wearing a thin satin robe that barely covered her cute, tight ass, walked gracefully into the room.

"I made pancakes." Marley's left eye cracked open.

"With peanut butter? And bananas?" Rose set the plate she carried down on the nightstand, and leaned over my chest to kiss our Mate on the nose.

"I might be a vampire, but I do fear your wrath." That got a sleepy giggle, and both eyes opened.

"You spoil me." Marley sat up and stretched. Her bump had expanded overnight, but not by much; I doubted she would even notice. "Okay, bathroom first. Then breakfast." She got up, and both of our eyes tracked the sensual sway of her hips, the round curve of her ass, until she shut the bathroom door. Then it was my turn for a kiss as Rosalie leaned down and pressed her soft lips to mine. We had spent the whole night feeling the baby stir and watching Marley sleep, whispering to each other about plans for the future.

"Hi, beautiful," I said, pulling her over to straddle my waist. Her bare pussy grazed the head of my cock. "Thanks for taking breakfast duty." She smiled, nuzzling my neck.

"Anytime. I'm probably a better cook, though she'd never hurt your feelings by saying so." I smacked her ass jokingly, earning a breathless sort of yelp in response.

"Ooo, breakfast and a show." I hadn't even heard Marley open the door, I'd been so focused on the feeling of Rosalie's body pressed against mine.

"Eat your breakfast and maybe you can join the show," I countered as she crawled into bed, handing her the plate of pancakes. Cheerfully, pretending to pout, she dug in. Rose rolled off my lap to stand, walking to the gigantic walk in closet she had insisted on.

"What about the show?" Marley asked around a mouthful.

"We have a busy day, beloved." I liked how comfortable it was for us to move at human speeds around our Mate; Rose slowly considered clothes, pulling out one hanger at a time. She held up a soft pink turtleneck to her torso, frowning. "Marley, this or my white cashmere?"

"Definitely the pink. It looks amazing against your hair." That they were friends as well as lovers made me grin. Rose had deprived herself of friendship, aside from tentatively with Alice, and she deserved to have someone to discuss fashion and design and art with other than her loving but clueless husband. Still, not wanting to sit quiet, I added,

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