Chapter 19

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It had been just short of impossible not to join Marley as she fucked Edward and Bella upstairs, but I knew that they needed the moment to remain private.

My patience was rewarded as just Marley walked down the steps, wearing a sweatshirt of Emmett's that hung to her knees, hair a lion's mane around her beautiful face. She grinned at me, like a sunbeam, and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Hi, my love," she murmured against my back. "Is that food for me?" I had been making oatmeal and toast, and was busying myself by slicing a fruit salad.

"Of course. Sit, you must be starving." I watched her scarf down the oatmeal, dipping chunks of the buttery bread into it, and handed her a cup of sweetened coffee.

"Where's Emmett?" I wasn't jealous of her being Mated to the others, but it did bring about a surge of both pride and relief that she asked after him first instead of Jasper or Alice.

"Wrestling with Jasper," I said with an eye roll. In truth, it had been hard for them to sit and listen to Marley help Edward in the bedroom. They both wanted to go up and pleasure her. It had been quite comical, actually, to watch the both of them scowl up the stairs and offer snide commentary on Edward's performance.

("Marley should have came first," Em had grumbled.
"She's taking care of Bella, why can't he take her from behind, or at least touch her for God's sake," Jasper had retorted.)

I'd thought it was sweet, and a little erotic, to listen to Marley command the pair in the bedroom. Hearing Edward beg for a taste of her...

"Ah. Is Alice with them?"

"Yeah. Refereeing." Alice was the only person left that Marley had not been intimate with. I knew that she was likely feeling the pull, the urge to complete the first steps of Mating.

"Go figure." She took a swig of coffee. The oatmeal was already gone.

"You need to be eating more," I scolded gently, rounding the counter to set the bowl of fruit by her elbow and kiss her temple.

"Yes, ma'am," she muttered around the last mouthful of toast. "I love you, Rose." Pleasure, warmth, relief. Emmett and I were the only ones to have earned those words from her sweet lips.

"I love you, too." Her overbite winked cutely as she grinned, forking up a slice of strawberry. "I want to show you something." We'd gotten the last delivery for our baby's nursery, which she had not yet seen, and I was eager to give her the tour. "As soon as Em gets back." She took another drink.

"Okay. Is it a sexy surprise or a baby surprise?" My lips quirked.

"Baby surprise."

"Can't wait." She wolfed down the rest of her food but savored the coffee, leaning against my side. "They're kicking. Here, feel." She guided my hand down to the spot just beneath her ribs, where I felt an answering nudge, stronger than the days before. I couldn't help but beam.

"Hi, baby," I cooed softly. Another kick. I could feel their heart beating, strong and steady.

"What do you think? Boy or girl?"

"It doesn't matter to me." Her eyes narrowed. I sighed. "I say boy."

"Em says girl. Hm." I wrapped my arms around her as she stood to rinse her plate and dotted kisses across her cheeks until she giggled.

"And what do you think?"

"I agree with Em." A girl baby. Though I truly didn't care either way, I imagined how it might feel to be able to say my daughter.

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