Chapter 18

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"Ah. Marley." Edward pulled back to rest his brows to mine. I could feel the outline of his erection pressed against me. It would seem that virginal, gloomy Edward felt lust just the same as the rest of us. With a small head shake, he looked into my eyes. "You're so odd."

"Ah, but clearly you're into that," I teased back, poking his abdomen. "Alright. Alice, it looks like you're last in line."

"Best for last," she said with a coy smile. She was the only person shorter than me. It was kind of hot to be able to look at someone and yank them up rather than down to my level. "Alright, cutie," she declared. "Show me what you've got." Our lips met and every single piece to the puzzle of my soul, my essence, clicked into place.

This was it. The six, my six. Mated for whatever insane reason, fate had determined them all to be mine, and for me to be theirs, and suddenly everything made sense.

I was the center tying them all in place. It was not Carlisle who was meant to unite the coven, but me; as Matriarch or lover, as friend, as leader. This was the destiny I was meant to fulfill.

Alice gave me a playful nip, her kiss far more enthusiastic than the others. I released her short hair.

"Now I can admit that I saw this coming because it's not meddling."

"When I'm a vampire, I'm wrestling you. First chance I get."

"Oh, I'm sure." She winked suggestively.

"I don't have to wait till I'm a vampire for that," I told her with an even expression, though my stomach did backflips at the thought of fucking all of them, these different and beautiful people.

"Sure don't," Jasper supplied from the sofa. He was seated patiently beside Rose and Em, the three of them watching intently.

"Oh. We're doing this now, then?" Bella asked. For being so shy when we first met, she had definitely warmed up. Edward's eyes nearly bugged out of his skull.

"There's no rush, or pressure, to have sex," I told them all. "Obviously the Mating bond is going to pull and we are all going to feel the need to claim one another. But if you'd rather remain monogamous to your partner, I will respect that. We don't have to be lovers, we can just remain friends." I gave Edward a pointed look. He stared back with an indecipherable expression. Clearly, he was overwhelmed.

"Oh, there's both a rush and pressure as far as I'm concerned." Jasper gave me a slow, mischievous smirk. Alice sat on his lap and he kissed her neck lovingly.

"Not everyone is a sexual deviant," I told him even though my arousal at his words was palpable and instantaneous. Rose and Emmett just smiled lazily. "Rose and Em are my true Mates," I told the room. "They are the parents of my child, and they take priority. But, I can't deny the attraction and the force that binds me to all of you. This is so fucking crazy, but it just might work." Bella walked forward to take my hands.

"I feel the bond, the desire. Same as with Edward. But no matter what, you'll always be my friend," she assured me. Her lips found my cheek in a gesture that spoke of familiarity, of warmth. I smiled at her. "Besides. I get to be a kick ass Aunt."

"Ditto!" Alice exclaimed. "Though I'm definitely down to fuck, if that wasn't abundantly clear."

"No, really?" I asked, dripping sarcasm. "I had no idea." Her giggle was infectious. If there was one thing about Alice that I could admire and admit was attractive, it was her confidence. And her cute face, with those Cupid's bow lips and overly feminine, round eyes.

"I had assumed my first time would be with Bella," Edward murmured at last. I felt a jolt of sympathy for him, this depressive and overly critical man. "But now I don't think I can imagine not having you there. It's so perplexing."

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