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Seungmin and Minho were the two top students of their university. They were always bickering about the smallest things, whether they were first to raise their hand or who got the highest score on their exams.

Sometimes it wasn't even about exams scores or class related, at this point seungmin would just find anything to annoy the older. People started to think they did hate each other.

What they didn't know is that Seungmin's words hurt Minho. In fact, Minho hates their concept of "Academic Rivals''. Matter of fact, the older has strong feelings for the younger.

Ever since the start of junior year in high school, Minho fell in love with the cute glasses boy from his maths class. His feelings never change, even when the younger tries to get him in trouble or calls him names. Even if they're in their second year of university. It's been four years now.

Did the younger know these feelings Minho had?

No. Never would he even think Minho has them. And let's be honest, Minho would jump out of a window if the younger one knew.

"Hyung, do you ever plan on telling Seungmin-" poor changbin always getting cut off

"Tell me what."

"Go away Kim. I don't have time for you." Minho reply as he took out his book, in reality Minho got nervous so he need to find a way to get Seungmin to leave

"You do realise we have the same friend group, sadly." Seungmin looked at the older who just looked at Changbin asking for help, thinking the younger would.


Changbin was enjoying this, he loved seeing his best friend become nervous. Especially if it's caused by the boy that gets on his nerves.

Minho will admit that. Seungmin sometimes gets on his nerves, everyone knows that. Chan is sometimes responsible to stop their bickering when they go out to study as a group. Minho and Hyunjin work at a diner near campus so the group always goes there to hang out or to study.

Jisung loves going there, because he knew Minho would give anything he wanted. All he needs to do is try to kiss him and Minho would give him anything. Why? Because Minho couldn't resist Jisung.

Not that he feels anything romantic for him.


That's what Minho would say. Plus Minho and Jisung have been friends since childhood because they were neighbours before Jisung's parents had to go to Malaysia for his dad's job. They kept in contact, they would facetime on their computer.

"Lee, are you even listening? Gosh I knew you wouldn't listen" Seungmin waved his hand in front of Minho's face

"What do you want Kim."

"As I was saying, Ms. Park thought it would be amazing if she paired us up for this project. I tried changing partners but she said she couldn't change. She was smiling too, that woman is going crazy. Anyways, we have to work together so let's meet up at your work- wait do you work today?" Seungmin asked looking at Minho

"Uh, no I don't. Changbin, you should come along, tell the others." Minho stood up not even looking at seungmin once.

Seungmin had a pout on his face. He thought he would use this opportunity to speak clearly with Minho about whatever their relationship was.

One thing Minho doesn't remember is that one night when the whole group went to Hyunjin's party, Minho got so so drunk and confessed his feelings for Seungmin leading to Seungmin kissing him.

None of his friends remember except for seungmin.


"Hyung you should stop drinking" Jeongin said as he was worried his hyung would pass out or do something he might regret

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