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Two days have passed by after that night out they had, these past two days Minho has been trying to ignore seungmin the best he can but the fact that they have a project together isn't helping

Today seungmin told changbin to tell chan if him and Minho can meet up

He said changbin and chan must go


Honestly I don't know either

Hell for sure it's going to be awkward if you ask me

"Hyung but you're going to come with him right ?" Minho asked for the twentieth time in the past 10 minutes

"Yes Minho, changbin said I should go too.. honestly I just want to drink an americano" chan sighed

He can't honestly believe this friend of his is 22 and acting like a 15 year going on a date with his crush

He wouldn't really call it a date since changbin and him are gonna be there and no way in hell would it be a double date


Is something changbin would definitely say

"Hyung ? Are they actually coming..?" Seungmin softly asked changbin, he didn't think Minho would come

"Yes seungmin, don't worry.. if he's not ready to speak about that night then at least finish the project you know how Ms. Park gets, she'll make you guys the first one to present.. so stay calm. I know my best friend." He gave seungmin a resurging  smile

"Hey guys !" Chan said as he sat down with Minho next to him

"Hey hyung! Hey Minho hyung, did you sleep well last night?" Changbin asked as he looked at Minho

"Yeah I slept well, hey Kim Seungmin.."

"Hey hyung... so have you thought what we should take pictures of ?" Seungmin knew Minho was probably still uncomfortable so he just brought up their project

"uh I'm not sure.." Minho replied

"That's fine hyung ! Why don't we go to a art museum ? maybe we'll find something nice there ?" Minho just nodded

"So let's go..?" Chan didn't mean it to sound so awkward but the tension was really obvious


They mange to take quiet a few pictures of art they found amusing or meaningful

After a few hours of finishing for some pictures, they finally were able to finish their chan hyung and changbin no where to be seen

As they were way behind still looking at some art pieces with a high school class

"So did you find any art pieces meaningful to you ?" Seungmin suddenly asked while looking at his camera

"Uh yeah actually, did you ?" Minho kinda stutter

'You're so stupid Minho why are you stuttering'

"Erm not really but these few that I have will be enough... can I see yours ? If not that's totally fine with me!" Minho just nodded and handed him his camera

He's had that camera since year 9th, it's a bit old but it still works very as he used it a lot after his mom passed

His mom was actually the one who gifted it to him

Kinda the only thing he has left of her... his dad wasn't really the best with him but lord he was in love with his mom

Honestly Minho thinks he took the longest to mourn, even after four years and Minho telling his dad to go out and date someone else as his father isn't old

He is only 42, they had Minho at a very young age and his brother not long after

People usually think Minho is a only child as he never brings his brother up but no, he has a younger brother who is four years younger than him.. just that his brother used to go to a private school as his father wanted it

Minho was supposed to go as well but he chose to stay at the one closer to his home

His younger brother Lee Hyungmin

His brother goes to the same university , they just never interact in school nor outside school unless they see each other on their moms death day/birthday

Hyungmin never understood why Minho chose to ignore him after his mom passed, well even before that but what he doesn't really know is that his father never really liked Minho

And Minho hates how his father treats Hyungmin compare to the way he treats Minho

Minho was an accident that just happened in the "heat of the moment" as his father once said (not to him but Minho heard)

And well Hyungmin was actually planned so of course his father will love him more

Also his father kinda ignores him now since Minho happens to look a lot like his mother and well his father isn't really over her

He kinda hates it since he really loved his wife but not really his son...

But Minho was always happy when people would say he reminds them of his mom

Minho saw many art pieces that reminded him of his mother so he took pictures of them

"These are amazing ! You seem to have quite a lot of pictures... maybe we could go somewhere else like a water fall or maybe just walk around Seoul if you'll like ?" Seungmin was trying to find ways to get Minho more comfort with him after the whole incident

and well minho is still pretty shocked but he's starting to get over it

"we should go to the Han river" Changbin suddenly said as he was trying to pull his hand away from this high school girl as their class was next to them

"Yeah we should or do you guys want to go alone" Chan said with a smirk

"Uh— Actually yes hyung, changbin please keep my soonie, doongi and dori well feed for tomorrow-"

"What if you stay at my place tonight so we could go now and in the morning?" Seungmin suddenly interrupt

"oh.. well changbin make sure you clean their litter box... and go sleep somewhere else"

Seungmin was shocked as Minho just said yes to go to his place just like that

"Do you want to take a shower ?? I have extra clothes of mine or you could wear changbins I'm sure he don't mind"

"uh I'll use yours instead, changbin is very grumpy if I use his clothes.."Minho said as he walked to the bathroom

"Here is an extra tooth brush, towel, shorts and a shirt oh and I just bought these boxers you can wear these"

"Thank you Kim Seungmin" Minho closed the door



heyyy guys long time no see  -.-

so new chapter after years

Kinda sucks but whatever

Good night, day, evening mates

Im out to bed >_<


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