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"Hyung Hyung over here !!" Felix was calling over changbin where him and the rest of the friend group was, instead jisung since he said he wanted more drinks and left before chan even realized he was gone

"Hey guys !! uh I think jisung hyung said he would get more drinks so why don't we find a place to sit and jisung and chan hyung can bring drinks" the youngest spoke

"aren't you too young to be drinking jeongin?"  Chan gave him his dad look

"oh come on hyung im 21 in a couple months" jeongin whined knowing chan would give in anyways

"yeah hyung why don't we go get more drinks" hyunjin stood up and started walking to the bar stand, in their way over they bumped into jisung who had a whole bottle of tequila

"Minho hyung you look different- in a good way !!" jisung said as he sat down

"thank you jisung who don't look bad yourself" Minho's ears were turning a light pink colour

Seungmin had this annoyed look, like Minho always looks good why point out the obvious

"hey seungmin want a drink?" jisung asked as he was filling up a cup

"oh come on jisung you know seungmin doesn't drink especially if he has a project" changbin said, knowing his best friend doesn't drink if he hasn't finished his project

"actually why not, drinking a little tonight wouldn't hurt" everyone did look a little shock since they know the younger doesn't like to get drunk with projects in his hands

"alright here you g-" jisung wasn't even finish his sentence when seungmin had shot his drink down quick

"slow down there buddy, don't get tipsy just yet"


Minho read on his phone

the five boys have already finished three bottles, yes only five

Felix, hyunjin, jisung, jeongin and seungmin

chan and changbin obviously weren't going to drink much and keep themself sober enough to drive them back home, maybe to chan and jisungs apartment since their dorms don't allowed anyone enter past midnight and knowing how far the place is and the fact they have five guys drunk

yeah they won't be able to make it in time

Minho was sober because of seungmin, he knew the younger can drink well but the way he's drinking tonight was different from other nights they've gone out

sometimes it would be seungmin was much sober than Minho since like I said seungmin knows how to drink and knew how much to drink

Minho, you could say he is a good drinker but there is times he doesn't care and gets himself wasted

like that one night he can't remember off and only a specific person can

"seungmin-ah stop drinking so much, you said you want the project done by tomorrow if you keep drinking like this you and Minho hyung won't be able to even start the project tomorrow" changbin said trying to take away his soju

ps it didn't work because somehow drunk Seungmin is really strong

"bin just leave him he won't listen" Changbin just sighed hiding the remaining drinks only leave the one in Seungmins hand

"m-Minho h-yung" jisung suddenly slurred

"yes jisung-ah"

"can I k-ss you?" jisung suddenly asked leaving Minho speechless

"w-what no jisung youre drunk" Minho said as he tried to push away the drunk squirrel away

"p-lease hyung I want to see if your lips are really as soft as they look" he said as kept trying to kiss

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