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When Minho got there, only seungmin was there. He was sitting at their regular table. Minho didn't want to go just yet because one, Seungmin, looked so beautiful and knew he probably wouldn't be able to take his eyes off him and because of that his heart was racing.

He wasn't able to wait for the others at the door because when seungmin felt someone looking at him the moment he looked up he found Minho staring at him from the door.

How embarrassing.

Minho had no other option but to walk over to the younger, hoping someone from their group walks in.

"Why were you just staring at me by the door? Weirdo.... Anyways I was waiting for you to get here so i can order, I knew the others would take longer showing up or doubt they might even show up since this is our project but who knows" Minho just nodded while taking out some paper and his book.

"What do you want, I'll order it and before you say something about the others they can order by themselves"

"Order me a strawberry milkshake, here"

"No, It's on me just don't tell the others i don't think about buying everyone something"

Minho just nodded, a slight blush creeping up on his neck

okay Minho, you need to stop blushing- but oh my gosh Seungmins outfit today was the cutest !! okay, he's coming back come down min-

"Are you okay hyung? you look red, do you have a fever?" Seungmin put his hand on Minhos forehead and then his cheek

"I-I'm okay !! look I think our drinks are ready l-let me go get them" Minho got up quickly as seungmin watched him in awe

Seungmin's heart has been beating fast when he caught Minho staring at him with basically heart eyes and the way Minho was being all shy when he touched his forehead and cheek on purpose

You heard me right, seungmin purposely touched minhos face


well seungmin doesn't actually have an answer but he is assuming it was because he was cute

"here seungmin, so what exactly is our project about?" Minho asked while drinking his milkshake looking up at seungmin as he did

"We chose...maybe photography? we can write about what the picture means to us or why we choose it" Seungmin explain just looking at Minho straight in the eyes both of their eyes shining bright

"why are we here than ? Changbin hyung we don't need to be here anyway it's their project" a sudden whining voice was heard

Both males turned around to find the group there with a very whining Jisung and hyunjin whispering something in his ear making him blush and walk away with him

Both Changbin and Chan looked at them with very unpleasing faces

"Hey guys !! Should we go out for drinks tonight ? I miss having Jeongin dance with me since he only dances when he's tipsy" Felix said with a pout looking at his boyfriend who was side eying him

"No- Yes ! We should we haven't gone out for drinks as a group for some time plus we have a week long break ! and that should give both Seungmin and Minho hyung some time to finish their project'' Jisung had cut off Minho as he ate his cheesecake Hyunjin had bought for him to stop whining

Chan had pulled Jisung to his side as Changbin walked over to Hyunjin whispering near his ear

"No, I just want to get this project finish..i don't want to spend my break with Seungmin."

"as if, you're just a pussy, scared to be with him for more than two minutes alone' Jisung whispered

Minho obviously didn't hear that if he had then jisung would had been chocking on his cheesecake..

"And seungmin to answer your suggestion from earlier let's do it but you can go take pictures and I can write about them unless they mean something special then you write it"

"Oh come on Hyungggg, let's go please" Jeongin used his puppy eyes on him with his little pout knowing Minho would give in, in no time

everyone was looking at Minho as he tried to look away from the younger but he gave up and sighed

"okay fine but let me go back to my dorm to put something better than these sweat pants and hoodie, are you going to change too hyunjin if so come on" Minho got all his things and walked out with hyunjin running behind him

"I knew Minho would give in the moment jeongin spoke..i mean no one can resist Jeongins puppy eyes and his cute little pout" felix said as he squished the youngers cheeks

"Come on hyung let's go ready i'm going to wear something good so I can get myself a nice girl-" Jisungs sentence was cut off by chans hand before waving to everyone bye and pulling him out the dinner

"Well we have to go too bye seungmin and changbin hyung" Jeongin just waved at them walking out with felix

"Well seungmin let's go" Changbin sighed and waited for seungmin to collect his things


Second chapter posted a little late sorry :( but what matters that its published !!

my summer has just started so maybe I can update more often especially sugar and candy because I know people are waiting for me to update them and of course this story !

sorry for the spelling errors !!


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