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Minho is the only one from his friend who knows what Jisung went through growing up.

He used to like this Chinese guy named Renjun, his dad's older brother found out and flipped

His dad didn't want his son to be hurt by his older brother as he couldn't do anything as his parents also were telling him to discipline his son

For what ?

liking a guy ?

Yeah no, his son could like who ever he wanted

But for the sake of his son, he took a job offer in Malaysia.

Jisung grew up thinking that being gay was wrong so when he came back to Korea he started sleeping around.

With girls of course.

He met chan first year of college, same grade even though Chan was older. Chan didn't join college right after high school. He went back to Australia to spend time with his family and then he decided to major in music

That same year Jisung came back to Korea so did Chan.

Chan felt like what you call "love at first sight"

The moment Jisung walked through the doors of the music class Chan couldn't take his eyes off him.

Like how can someone be so cute and handsome at the same time

"Hi I'm Jisung nice to meet you! Is it fine if I sit ?"

'Gosh his voice is even so attractive'

"Uh- sure yes you can ! I'm Bang Chan, nice to meet you too!"

"You have quite an accent.."

"uh oh I'm Australian.. I grew up there, came here for high school and then went back to spend time with my family and I came back to finish college, a bit late but I'm here.." chan chuckled still mesmerised by the boy in front of him

"aa, I grew up here but move to Malaysia for my fathers work.. we came back as I wanted to do college here." Chan nodded

"So how old are you ? Do I need to call you hyung or samchon" Jisung giggled


"Uh I'm 22.. kinda old to be a freshman..heh"

"aaa well hyung I'm 19" Jisung smiled at him

After that, they always paired up for any projects and soon they started hanging out of school

Jisung met Minho that first week too when he found out Minho also went to that college

"Hyung hyung over here !!" Jisung said standing up once he saw his Minho hyung walking through the entrance

Chan was quite jealous but he couldn't let it show

"Ji !! Hi you squirrel ! How have you been ?! " Minho said hugging his best friend

"I'm good !! How are you ? Look at you so much more handsome from the last time I saw you" Jisung joked

Chan didn't like that joke

"Oi stop it ji, who's your friend?" The two childhood friends turn to look at chan who was staring hard at the two

"Oh hi I'm Bang Chan, I'm Jisung classmate" chan said bowing a bit and shook Minhos hand

"oii just classmate I thought we were friends hyung" Jisung said whining

"oh well yes friends then"

"Well nice to meet you ! I'm Minho, Jisung childhood friend !"

"Um excuse me do you mind if me and my friend sit here ?" A tall fit male spoke behind them

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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