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Minho is still in the bathroom brushing his teeth, as he thinks about seungmin

'I should hurry maybe he wants to shower too'

As he walked out, Seungmin looks up from his phone and lord. Minho looked so cute and hot with his clothes on

Oh how Seungmin wanted to go up and kiss the life out of Minho but when he did walked up to him he just said

"Uh you can take the bed I'll take the floor."

"What about changbins bed ?"

"He warned me about sleeping on his bed, I guess he fixed his bed a certain way and he'll be able to tell. But it's okay the floor comfortable any way."

"Let's both sleep in the bed Kim, it's big enough for both of us."

Seungmin was taken back from Minho's suddenly request, well more like command, "uh are you sure hyung. It's okay I'm fine with the fl-"

"Kim just sleep in the god damn bed with me, that's all I'm asking you to do, now hurry it's late and you'll get sick if you sleep with wet hair"

Seungmin didn't take long in the shower, as he walked out he want wearing shorts and a white shirt, drying his hair with a small grey towel

"Come here."

Seungmin just sat down on the bed, his back facing Minho. He didn't want to argue with him about how he can dry his hair

After a few minutes both of males are under the big blanket trying to get comfortable for the night

"Uh seungmin, thank you for letting me stay here."

"Of course hyung, you're always invited.. even when changbin hyung is here I'm sure he loves you enough to let you stay over." Seungmin breathe out, his heart was beating fast, he was hoping that it wasn't loud enough for Minho to hear

"Thank you"

"Goodnight hyung"

"Goodnight Kim Seungmin"

The next morning they both woke up in each others arms but not wanting to make things awkward they just got up and ready for the day

Minho would some of Seungmins clothes and Seungmins coat

Seungmin even gave him gloves and a scarf so he wouldn't get to cold as Korea was starting to feel a bit colder as November started

They took many pictures on their little hang out, well more like a date.

They even posted some on their twitter

They even posted some on their twitter

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