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"hyungggg" changbin could hear seungmin whine from the bathroom

"What now seungmin" changbin sighed as he has been hearing the younger whine over his outfits for the past hour

"Do I look okay in this ?"

"You looked fine in every single outfit you put on seungmin, anyways why do you care about your outfit ? Is there someone you want to impress?" Changbin asked going over to their sink

"w-what of course not hyung !!" Seungmin said as a blush was creeping up on his neck

"okay okay don't get offensive I'm just asking because you've been asking about your outfits a lot more so I'm just wondering if there's a girl you like or something" changbin said as he finished washing his face

"well there is definitely no girl"

"do you not like girls ? I thought you did because of every time Jisung mentioned a girl you would always reply with 'yeah she's so pretty', 'she looked really good today' or 'she's really nice, smart and has a good personality that's what many guys want in a girl plus she's pretty' so I assumed you only had interest in girls but it's totally okay to like guys !! Chan hyung and I are pansexual, Hyunjin and Felix are Bisexual, Jeongin is gay, Jisung says he isn't gay but he and chan hyung definitely have something going on so I guess you can say he's still questioning and Minho hyung..he isn't much of a labeling his sexuality type of person and what you call that is 'pomosexual' so yeah don't feel scared to say you find yourself attracted to men" changbin gave seungmin a reassuring smile

"Hyung ?"

"Yeah ?"

"What exactly is pomosexual ?"

"Well it's different from pansexual, although you are attracted to all kinds of people no matter their gender it's not exactly the same as being pansexual. It's defined as refusing, avoiding or not really fitting any sexual labels in terms of conventional labels, such as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or other labels. Some Pomosexual people may be Queer or Questioning, and sometimes others may not be."

Seungmin nodded as he thought "am I...pomosexual ?"

"So back to the "definitely no girl" I want to know if you actually find interest in someone...maybe I can help you" changbin said as he sat on his and seungmins shared tiny couch

"Well there is someone but they're not a's a guy. I-I don't know if I actually like them or's like I want to try it out but I'm scared because I would've never thought it would be them. Maybe someone else but not him. I mean why him, like why can't it be hyunjin hyung or chan hyung"

"Okay first of all, is this person bad to you ? Second, remember chan hyung and Jisung~ and third just no hyunjin he's off limits."

"Okay. Uh and not really...he isn't a bad person we just don't really get along well, I mean now it's a bit awkward since I'm trying to get to know him more without him knowing I am since he doesn't remember a thing" seungmin said as he went and laid his head on changbin's lap

"Wait what ? What do you mean 'doesn't remember a thing' ?? What happened, and when did it happened ?" Changbin said shocked

"Uh it was at one of hyunjin's parties...he was drunk so I helped him up to one of the guest rooms so no one takes advantage of him but as we were going up he was mumbling things to me"

"When we got to the guest room, he asked me if he could tell me something" seungmin said as he remembered that night

"let's just lay you down first" minho let seungmin move him around as if he was a doll, "okay you can tell me hyung"

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