Untitled Part 14

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untitled part 14.

I have no origanla ideas right nows. I cants come up with anythin to wrote.


I wish I could come up with something, but I simply can't. OOF.

It doesnt even matter, no one will read this dumb story.

Brandon walked into the fast food place, he ate the store.

 the ends!

*thumbs up emoji should be placed here*

End of untitled part 14.

Now, if you havent felt like having a stroke after reading  this book so far, you'd better buckle up...

... its about to get worse. Maybe, I dont know at this point. I hate this story, but I'll keep writing as thats all I can do.

Anyway, thanks for watching, dont forget to SMASH that like button, and sub if you enjoyed the video. 

Stay pawsome my little kittens. UwU

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