Chapter 15

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Lionel rushed towards the hospital that Surbhi sent to his phone via text message. His car made a abrupt stop in front of the massive hospital and he quickly got down from the car. His forehead was tinkling with sweats all over as he approached towards reception.

All he could fathom was his child's life in danger. Though he stopped seeing Monique as his wife, he still cared about her and his baby's life. He banged the table gaining the receptionist's attention almost immediately. The woman's eyes lit in recognition as soon as her eyes met his brown ones. After all he was the famous billionaire Mr Bluebird.

"Mr Bluebird how can I help you?" The receptionist asked politely. " My.. My wife. Mrs Monique Bluebird. What room number is she in? I was told she was admitted here." Lionel replied immediately feeling tense. The receptionist nodded and went through her records on the computer before directing him towards her room number.

"Amber, please take Me Bluebird to room 122." A blonde lady in her nurse uniform was passing by when the receptionist called for her. The lady Amber smiled and motioned Lionel to follow her. Lionel obeyed and walked behind the lady as she guided him towards room 122.

Lionel nodded a thank you as the lady walked away. Lionel immediately pushed open the door and bumped into the last person he wanted to see and was none other than his mother-in-law Rosalinda. The woman was fair and was quite tanned with a side bun. She glared at Lionel as soon as her eyes landed on him.

Lionel also gave her a glare before walking past her to meet Monique who was fast asleep and she looked to be in good condition for now. His eyes landed on her huge belly which also meant his child was perfectly fine as well. He breathed out a sigh of relief. "And where were you all this time Lionel? Your wife collapsed and you're just arriving... Are you even concerned about my daughter?" Rosalinda asked turning around with both her hands folded against her chest. "I don't have to answer your questions." Lionel replied unfazed and looked around for Surbhi.

"Seriously what kind of a husband are you. I see you don't care about my daughter at all. In fact I had been suspecting but my daughter wouldn't say anything. Is this because of her condition. Did you even love my daughter at all in the first place?" Rosalinda asked.

Lionel wasn't ready to get into the topic and decided to step out of the room when Rosalinda held his arm. She heaved a deep long sigh. "Listen Lionel. I know that you and I aren't the best in-laws but please... My daughter needs you now more than ever. You constantly ignoring her isn't good for her or the baby and I know this because whenever I speak to my daughter, I can clearly sense that something's wrong. I remember correctly how much you loved her but then...."

"But then everything got ruined when Monique decided to hide her truth from me!" Lionel cut her off and yanked his arm away from her hold. He was clearly hurt with her false promises of growing old together with him when it was all a lie. Everything was just for a while and he turned around to glance over at Monique before getting upset with her and stormed out despite Rosalinda calling out for him.

He walked out feeling heavy within himself. He rubbed his face and sighed knowing he had to accept the truth. He was going to be lonely forever. He sat down on a bench near by and gulped before his phone rang. It was Mr Forger's call coming through. His mind suddenly drifted to Eden again and he picked up the call immediately.

"Yes tell me." He spoke.

"The papers are ready. You have been granted permission to visit your daughter from the court Mr Bluebird." Mr Forger replied. Lionel's lips curled wide into a smile after hearing the news. "Thank you so much for this. This has clearly made my day a happy one." Lionel cut the call feeling all the more excited. He was finally going to see his daughter after three years. The thought stirred a happy feeling within him.

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