Chapter 43

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Monique left and Eden got back to her work. She was a bit lost in thought concerning Monique's words. She knew it wasn't right to prolong her relationship with Julian any further. She had hurt him a lot and knew he didn't deserve to be deceived in this manner. None of them were ever going to be happy in the slightest and last night proved it clearly to Eden that she could no longer do this.

She could no longer continue to deceive herself and Julian at the same time. Julian was too precious of a person for her to hurt so much in this way. She had to stop being selfish. Just because she wasn't with Julian didn't mean she would automatically go back to Lionel. As much as he was changing for the better, she couldn't forget the pain and agony he had put her through. It was something that stayed with her for three years. Even after their divorce, she still had hope that their love could be rekindled but everything shattered to pieces for her as soon as she found out he was married. That killed the love she had for him.

She tangled her client's hair and the client wasn't happy. "Hum. Eden. I'll take care of it. You're almost done anyways." Katherine quickly came to the rescue and Eden smiled at her. She apologized to the client for being absent minded and walked out of her station.

She couldn't hold in any longer and dialed for Julian's number. It was ringing but he didn't pick up the call. She guessed he must be mad at her for walking out on him last night. She couldn't blame him though and her heart weaved a little knowing what she wanted to tell him was going to hurt him even more but she had to do it. It was better this way. Susan was right in saying the heart can't be forced.

She decided to send him a text via Whatsapp but he wasn't online either. She decided to send him a message, "Let's talk later this evening. It's important" She sighed tapping her fingers on the screen waiting for him to see the message but he never did.

Just then a staff came to her. "Miss Eden. Mrs Souqeline is calling for you." Eden nodded and shoved the phone in her pants pocket before heading to her boss' office. Anne was out on work and wasn't at the office at this time of the day. She quickly took off her work apron and kept it aside before heading straight for Souqeline's office.

She knocked before hearing a come in. She slowly opened the door and walked in. She hadn't yet noticed a second person in Souqeline's office as well. Her face was focused on Souqeline only. "You sent for me?"

Souqeline smiled. "Yes Eden. I sent for you. I have a guest here with me and is in need of your skills." She pointed to the man who was sitting from across the office and Eden's eyes dropped in shock. Never would she have imagined to see him of all people in her workplace and that too needing her help. Her face instantly cringed in a frown.

"This is Mr Greyson. He's a very good friend and a client in need of our services. Particularly your service my dear." Souqeline introduced Eden to Greyson who stood up to his feet straightening his suit and walked up to Eden while wearing a dashing smile. He stretched forth his hands towards her and Eden didn't do the same and simply folded her arms against her chest still giving him her expression of not being at all happy to see him.

"Eden?" A confused Souqeline found Eden's attitude a bit off. It wasn't like her to be so rude to anyone. Eden blinked and faked a smile. "It's an honor Mr Greyson..."

"Call me Greyson. It's been a long time Eden." Greyson smiled and Souqeline couldn't help but pick up something about a past between them. Eden had always despised Greyson for his cunning ways of doing business. He was always envious of Lionel in the past and often resorted to shady means necessary to be on top in the business world. Never would she have imagined she would meet him here again after all these years.

"Well...Mr Greyson here wants your help urgently tonight. He's getting engaged." Souqeline said and Eden widened her eyes. Greyson chuckled lowly after studying her expression. Eden was appalled. She never would have guessed he and Janette were separated. The duo were both horrible people and fitted each other perfectly.

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