Chapter 5

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Eden helped the young lady sit on a nearby seat. She called for the waiter who rushed towards the woman and have her a glass of water. Eden looked worriedly at the woman as she gulped the entire water from the glass down her throat.

"Are you fine ma'am?" The waiter asked her and the woman smiled. Eden smiled as well after she responded with her beautiful smile and nod. The woman was fair skinned like her except Eden was a red haired while the woman was a blonde and had a Bob cut as a hairstyle. Her sparkling blue eyes matched her thick long eyelashes. Judging by her dressing, she seemed like she came from a rich family.

"Should I call your husband or any family member to pick you up?" Eden offered the extra mile and Julian smiled warmly at her. Eden's generosity and kindness towards the cruel world was what made him fall head over heels in love with her. The woman shooked her head in denial. "Am fine. Thank you so much for saving me and my child." The woman's voice held some tension in it and her hands wrapped around her belly in fear and that couldn't be missed from Eden's eyes but chose not to say anything.

"By the way. Am Monique." The woman turned to Eden and introduced herself. "Am Eden. Nice to meet you." Eden responded with a bright smile. "I love your accent. It's beautiful and so fluent." Monique commented and Eden couldn't help but blush out at her accomplishments so far. Just then two huge bulky men in dark shades walked into the restaurant and held Monique's purse before waiting for her to walk out.

Monique turned to Eden and side hugged her. "Thank you so much Eden. I hope I can repay you some day for saving me. You have no idea how important it is for my child to be born." Monique spoke and that tension again rose in her voice and Eden sensed that as well. Eden smiled and watched as she walked out of the restaurant with the two bulky men walking behind her.

Eden got to her table and ordered some french fries while Julian ordered the steak and some champagne for celebration of Eden's accomplishments. Julian raised his glass as well as Eden and they toasted to Eden's success. "I love your kind nature Eden. You know that right," Julian began and Eden's smile slightly came down. She knew where Julian was heading with this conversation and she wasn't ready to dive into that topic of discussion.

Julian saw her change of mood and quickly averted the topic. "So any plans about your future after today?" Eden did go into a deep thought. Honestly she never thought of that and only saw herself getting the degree and applying for a steady office job that payed her bills for her. Apart from that she never considered anything else.

"You've written your applications right?" Julian asked and Eden grinned. "Yeah, back then I didn't get any response from the small companies I signed up for but now with my degree, I also filled in my application and CV into better companies in New York so I guess I should receive a response soon." Julian nodded with a smile and held her hand tightly. "If you need any help, you know I'll always be there for you." Eden nodded in response. She too believed in Julian's words but still wasn't going to believe in love again after Lionel.

They chatted for a long time without them realising how late the time had gotten. Mia was still fast asleep when Julian dropped off Eden and Mia at her mother's apartment. It was already ticking past 10pm.

Eden waved a goodbye to Julian before she stepped into the apartment. She quickly went to Mia's room and placed her in her bed before walking towards the living room again and this time spotted Lucia there having her night herbal tea before bed. "You're still awake I see." Eden said nonchalantly and reached out for her laptop to check for any mails she might have received while she was on a celebration spree.

"So how was your night out? Did you two decide to become...become a...thing?" Lucia didn't know how to bring up the topic without Eden getting offended. Eden gave her a raised eyebrow before her eyes darted back to her laptop screen. "Don't look at me like that honey. Am only looking out for you as well as my granddaughter. You know that I won't always be there for you and Mia and that's why am emphasising on you finding another life partner instead of being alone. You're just twenty eight Eden." Lucia was beginning to get tired at this point. She could see her daughter wasn't getting her point and that's why she decided to take matters into her own hands.

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