Chapter 39

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"It's easy girlfriend. Get closer to him tonight."

Anne suggested and Eden's eyes popped out like saucers. That wasn't in her mind and it didn't even bother to cross her mind either. Having sex with Julian gave her a weird feeling attached to the back of her throat. Somehow it didn't feel right to her despite the fact that they were dating.

"What..are you even blabbering about Anne. You want me to sleep with him?" Eden blinked in shock staring at Anne. "What's the problem Eden? Don't tell me you're suddenly a woman who only decides to have sex when she's married. Don't forget you always slept with Lionel before you both got married." Anne defended.

Eden didn't say a word nor reply her after that. How was she supposed to tell Anne that Lionel's case was different back then. Back then her heart ached for him. She loved her body being pounded under him. His touch and scent, it always made her rile up and to drown into her utmost sexual bliss. But with Julian, she didn't feel all of those things no matter how hard she tried to feel at least a little for him. She just couldn't control her heart in that aspect.

"Why would you suggest Eden to do something like that?" Susan walked out of the passage hall giving Anne a disapproving look. Anne rolled her eyes and just couldn't get them and why her idea was so bad.

"It's not that your idea isn't a good one but in this situation, it's not. Eden..." Susan turned to Eden holding a serious look on her face. "It's very evident that you don't love him at all. Your heart isn't with Julian." Susan's words shooked Eden on her spot.

"Susan!" Anne gasped in shock hearing Susan. "Are you suggesting Eden breaks up with Julian. He's a nice guy and loves our Eden very much and much more." Anne did all she could to defend Julian. Anne's words about Julian was beginning to make Eden feel guilty about not reciprocating his love. She felt she was only using him at her moments of despair. She felt she wasn't trying on her part to build up her relationship with Julian.

"I know Julian's a nice man but Eden doesn't love him and in this case, both of them will suffer if they continue in this relationship. I now think it was better that Julian and Eden stayed as friends." Susan lowered her voice towards the end of her statement before silence enveloped the living room.

Both Susan and Anne turned to Eden and wanted her answer.

"Do you love him Eden?" Anne asked carefully reaching out her hands and holding Eden's in a tight and comforting manner giving her best reassuring smile. "I mean do you like being with him?" Anne rephrased her question to make it easier for Eden to respond.

Eden licked her lips and inhaled deeply trying to find the words to put together. Even she wasn't sure at this point about if she wanted this relationship with Julian. A part of her was holding a huge boulder in her chest thinking of Julian being hurt if she chose to take a break and figure out what she wanted. She also noticed that Julian had been on edge and extremely jealous lately which wasn't his normal and usual behaviour.

"And...." Susan implored and Eden's next answer made Susan blink in shock and Anne sighing in relief.

"I want to give Anne's idea a go-ahead."

"What! You want to have sex with Julian even though deep down you don't want it. Come on Eden. I would have never excepted this from you of all people Eden. You're a feisty woman and always sets other people straight but today you're cowering down by choosing to sleep with him. I hope you know by taking this next step, there's no going back." Susan warned and Anne huffed out immediately.

"Stop Susan. Be a good friend and be supportive." Anne smiled at Eden. Eden only managed a small smile. Susan shooked her head and threw a disappointing look at Eden. "You know Eden, trying not to hurt Julian is one thing but what you're doing to him under the pretext of not causing him pain is actually hurting him deep. You know you aren't in love with him and by this truth, Julian doesn't deserve to be stuck in a loveless relationship." Susan replied and Anne blinked in amusement before chuckling out loud.

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