Authors Note

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I wanted to thank everyone who has read 'The Elven Powers' so far. I never asked for a ridiculous amount of fame and to others 1000 reads probably isn't that big a deal. However, to mean it is beyond description how much it means to me. Because it means one thing. That people are in fact reading this.

Perhaps, looking back on writing this now I am just stating the obvious. In order for you to understand the point I am trying to make I should explain a little more about myself. As with all writers I guess, it starts with a childhood dream. I may still only be a teenager but I view this still as a dream that started quite a long time ago. It may surprise you though, that rather than starting to write, I started to read.

I have always been reading. I have read books I consider to be the greatest of all time Eragon, The Lord of the rings, Narnia etc. I even have my own bookshelf in my room. It was an escape. An escape from this world that, whilst wonderful, can be unexciting. So somewhere down the road a couple of years ago, the sudden urge to write came back. But I just couldn't find the will to put pen to paper. 

Then I had a dream. I dreamt of Ardeth and The Elven Powers. I woke in the middle of the night and scribbled it down. Looking back on that first draft now, it seems like I had some kind of episode. The writing is only just readable. This was a breakthrough to me, but I had no idea what to with it. Yet again, I couldn't bring myself to write up the story.

So 2012 around summer, I went about my normal activities. It was then that I met Emma Mullen. You may know her as Wattpad member, Emzicle. She introduced me to Wattpad. It is her I have to thank that the Ardeth Trilogy is and will make its way onto the page, or screen to be more precise. I know what you are thinking, "wait a second a Trilogy?". Yes, I have prepared to write a Trilogy of books. However, I refuse to tell you more about them. Sorry, but for now they are ideas so I can't promise anything. 

Anyway, that is how I came to write this book as it is so far. These are the reasons I have for being so happy that people are reading. It is because I want to give back what others gave to me. A world of Fantasy to escape to. 



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