Chapter Fifteen: Moving out (Galandria)

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I awoke upon the arrival of my handmaid. She dressed me in my grey tunic and other travelling attire. As always my green cloak was swung across my shoulders and fastened at my chest. Whilst my handmaid busied herself with my attire, I scoured the view over the city at daybreak. The sun rays glanced off the buildings far below, leaving them like dewdrops in a spiders web of the city layout. I can't remember when I arrived back at the palace with Elrohir, but it was past nightfall. However, we acted natural, after all it would be better if the army stayed out of our private affairs for a while. No matter how much I loved him, the public could tear us apart.

It was then that there was a loud knock on the door. My handmaid left me and went to answer it. I listened for an announcement of who was here to see me. It never came. I heard the door close and footsteps draw closer. I assumed it was just my handmaid returning after sending an unwanted visitor away. I resumed my analysis of the city and traced the lines on the windowsill. I had no care for dressing anymore. However pressing my duties were I wished to stay and age with this scene. Like it I would never change in appearance only age. Tingles of warmth spread up my back as I felt a presence. It was only intensified when hands rubbed gently into my shoulders, slowly drawing me back into a soft embrace. I shivered at the contact despite the heat that crawled through my body making my heart thump numbly.

I finally lifted my face to meet his. He smiled down at me as we both reminisced upon yesterday's events. In his eyes I never saw the part where I had been kidnapped, only the part where I had laid in his arms as the day ended. He slowly wrapped his arms around my torso, as I nuzzled into his neck.

Then softly " We have duties today..." I let out a small moan in protest. He just sighed " I wish we could stay together too... You look beautiful. "

I smiled up at him. Then smirked " You must stop teasing or I'll never leave."

" Come on. " He smiled then added " My Lady "

I laughed and followed him down the corridor.

When we were a few meters away from the armoury our pace slowed. We were met with the clamour of metal, angry and ordering shouts and many footsteps running to and fro in a great hurry. The army was always bustling, however, this level of clamour was virtually unheard of. I exchanged a grimace with Elrohir and he pushed the door aside as I stepped into the armoury. The next few hours of my life were lost in the commotion. I sorted arms, checked supplies, ran messages to the commanders and trained a new contingent of archers. It was hard work but apparently I had to do it. I had no idea what Elrohir was doing, but I didn't catch him running around.

It was then I was handed my last assignment. Apparently I had to get the lieutenant up to the commanders temporary study. However, he was on the edge of the city in the arena cleaning up after training recruits. I can't imagine while he would still be out there when any one of the servants could clear it, but maybe he just lost track of time. I exited the armoury and began the long route down to the arena. I had to stop for some directions on the way, but this trip was welcome as a chance to be out in the fresh air. I walked up to the heavy stone bowl and found the huge wooden entrance doors. Hesitantly I pushed them inwards.

The arena was deserted leaving an eerie silence. I heard no rumours of the lieutenants presence, maybe he was already back at the armoury. However, I swallowed my fear of the deserted building and began to look around. Turning on my heel in a slow circle I scanned the arena. It was made of the same grey stone as the buildings of the city. Many vines ran around the barriers looking rather decrepit without any buds or flowers in bloom. However they were still well maintained and the centre field was well trimmed. Without the flowers the only colour in the arena was the royal box, resplendent in deep purple. Its banners were caught high in the noonday sun.

I breathed out, slow and ragged breaths. The lieutenant was nowhere to be found, otherwise he would have already made his presence known. I sighed, but reckoned I still had a moment or two before the commander realised I was missing. I decided to take a walk around the top edge of the arena. As I climbed the stairs next to the royal box I caught my breath. Elrohir sat watching in the guardians seat of the royal box.  

" How long have you been watching me? " I half whispered. 

" Long enough. " His voice was louder in contrast but still sincere. " You seemed deep in thought, I didn't want to disturb you " We laughed together for a bit.  

" So what are you doing here? " Yes what exactly was he doing here? I wanted to find out. 

" I asked the commander to locate a lieutenant for me and send him to his office to await my arrival. " He replied. " As I suspected he sent you up here to me. " He smirked, satisfaction spreading across his face. " He thinks I'm busy and your locating the lieutenant so we have a alibi. "  

" and how long before they discover our little ruse? " I mused back at him.  

" They won't. " He laughed " They will be too busy to notice. " He beckoned me over as I noticed the sofa behind him.

In the shade of the royal box canopy, Elrohir folded me into our embrace. We spent the afternoon talking and laughing together. However it could not last. Gently he lowered me into a lounging position on the sofa. Before I knew what his game was, he lowered his lips to my ear. Instead of saying anything he began to kiss my ear. He lifted my right arm above my head as he pressed me into a new embrace. Slowly he moved his kiss. He stared on my earlobe, then my cheekbone, to my cheek and to the right of my lips. He teased me this way until finally our lips met. I lay in this splendour enjoying every minute of it.

I giggled breaking the contact. My cheeks flushed as I saw him suppress a laugh at my reaction. Then smiling, he stood carrying me with him to the top of the arena. Gently, he placed me with my feet dangling over the edge. He then mirrored my position and threw a warm arm across my shoulders. I sighed, relaxing into him.  

Then I suddenly remembered something. Tentatively I spoke "You know, the Queen said I would never be given a suitor. From that day I never imagined I would find one for myself. Especially not one like you." He smiled and held me tighter. "I just hope I can return the favour. I love you." We shared a kiss for a while.  

He broke the contact. Stroking my face he gestured to the view. "All of this will not stand between us. I will not lose you. You and I will meet with my brother and sort out this mess. Then you and I will return together, I swear it." by now his face was serious and almost tearful. I cupped his face in my hands trying to comfort him but almost breaking down too. I had pushed from my mind the possibility of me losing him on this quest, but now It made me determined to return with him. Again I planted my lips on his in an attempt to comfort him.

It was afternoon when the army called us to leave the city. All the leaders had done well to rally the troops and supplies so quickly. It was equally remarkable because of our having to train reinforcements. I and Elrohir went our separate ways just before our arrival at the square in front of the palace. The troops were lined up in contingents and the archers were in the middle separated slightly by a lavish fountain. Even though I led a squad of archers myself, I nestled myself in the middle of them blending in as much as I could. After the hideous Corkash appearance was retold to the people of the city, we were told to get bodyguards. However, this would be impractical and put our guards in danger and neither I nor Elrohir would stand for it. Instead we planned to blend into our troops as much as possible. This would keep us and our troops safe.

I could still see Elrohir a few rows in front. He turned and smiled at me, then frowned as he looked to something behind me. I tried to give him a questioning look but he was fixated with whoever was behind me. He then shook his head in dismissal and returned to waiting to march forward. I looked back to see who it might have been but the troops were too packed together and whoever it had been was probably long gone by now. I turned just in time for the blare of horns, sounding the army's advance. It was with a heavy heart I left the great city of the second realm, as I left the joys and safety I had found within its walls far behind me.

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