Chapter six: Years gone by (Galandria)

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I awoke in my chambers. I was in the east wing of the palace my home for many years now as the Guardian. It was a spacious room with windows along the east side and a long marble balcony outside the south wall. I sat in a king size bed of forest green with curtains of the same colour. The curtain on the windows also matched. all was fringed with golden leaves. The walls themselves where  white panels decorated with gold leaf. Many tapestries I now knew as the famous guardian battles, lined the walls. These were the chambers of every Guardian since the beginning. 

My handmaid Celestia walked in and began opening the curtains in my room. The daylight stung my eyes, but there was no point delaying the inevitable. I had to get up and resume my training. I swung myself out of bed. My handmade quickly rushed over and began to dress me in a long Forest green dress embroidered with gold thread that formed clusters of gold leaves. It had long sleeves down to my wrists and the neckline was layered across my chest the sleeves revealing my bare shoulders. I then stepped into two beautiful green slippers. 

I shot my handmaid a confused glance. She smiled and reminded me it was my coming of age. I was now 25 in Elven years the age where I would stop aging. However there would be no suitors for me as a guardian, so why were they treating me like any other girl? I supposed I would find out soon enough. I bid my handmaid thanks and made my way down to the great hall. It was white panelled also with gold leaf. tapestries this time of numerous coronations and ceremonies hung on the walls. Purple banners and curtains decorated the room embroidered with the royal seal of a tree bearing fruit to a gold apple with a crown ringed around its trunk. a large marble table surrounded by golden chairs with purple cushions sat below the throne.

On a throne of gold padded out with purple cushions and carved with many creatures twisting out of vines, sat the Queen. She bit me to sit beside her where a place had already been set for breakfast. I descended the last half of the marble staircase which bent back on itself and split on either side to connect the throne room to the upper levels. I slowly made my way south to sit on her right hand. We breakfasted in silence. Then she addressed me " I see you are troubled by your coming of age ceremony. It is fine to be nervous "
" It is not that my Queen " I replied " I just do not see why you are going to such great lengths to celebrate it when I am not to be picking a suitor. " 
" You are allowed to pick a suitor it is just not suggested. You see as the Guardian you must go to war to protect our land and fulfil your duties, however it does not mean you have to spend your days alone. It just means you won't be doing the duties of your average wife. You would most probably end up managing both. "
" I see. It's not so much the problem of duties as a wife but the problem of finding a man who would have me. "
" Exactly. Many men will think you are unfit to mother a child if both of you would have to leave it when we go to war. However, being born of the sacred tree many men are wary to what we might mother as they don't believe that we are fully Elven. On top of that there is also the prospect that the husband inherits nothing of the wealth of the Guardians as when a Guardian is replaced they must find a new place to live and build up their own wealth. But usually they receive a reward money for their services from the royal family. The size is dependent upon the size of your service. "
" Then there is no hope for me " I sighed. 
" There's always hope " She retorted. We fell back into silence for a while. " Our guests will be arriving soon. There is much work to do. We both stood as the Queen took her leave. I followed soon after to return to my room. 

I was deep in thought as I wandered across to lean on the balcony. I was filled with a deep sense of longing that I'd never felt before. Up until this point the thought of a husband had just felt like duty and rules and I was guaranteed that I wouldn't have one. But now... I longed to have someone who cared for me. I had the opportunity to chose someone rather than be presented someone. I could fall in love and marry that same person regardless of wealth or title. I figured no other women had ever been given such power. 

Then something caught my eye. Movement below me by the fountain. A figure knelt clad in Black with a silver trimming. Lustrous black hair adorned their head. I wondered who this mysterious man could be. For man he was with his slightly muscular figure. I decided I would go down there and find out what he was doing in the royal garden. After all none of the guests were here yet and the Queen hadn't had any children.

 I approached quietly from behind. With age for an elf came grace, he didn't even turn around when I was ten feet away. I stood up to my full height and spoke. I was a Guardian I must learn to be brave in the face of strangers." Who are you and what do you think you are doing in the royal garden? " I asked without a hint of fear in my voice.
He did not turn. " Who I am is not of your concern. Besides this is my Garden. The Queen bade me live here long ago. "
" Then how come we have not been introduced? I am Galandria the Guardian of this realm. " I stated. I did not like the man's tone as he spoke to me but I was determined to retain my honour. 
" I like my privacy " He half whispered. I was getting more and more frustrated, after all he had no proof he lived here.
" None the less you must give me proof or I will have to call the guards. " I said raising my voice for effect. I wanted him to know I was prepared to deal with any intruders.
" Call them they know who I am " 
Before I could speak the Queen was behind me. " Come Galandria your guests await. He is my guest and I shall introduce you later. " With that she escorted me to the great hall to begin the festivities. 

I really wanted to know who that man was. How dare he speak to me in such an uncivilised manner! who does he thing he is? The Queen however did not seem to want to speak about it so I did not press the matter. She then left me outside the door to the great hall to await my announcement. 

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