Chapter Nine

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Nathan sits at breakfast bouncing his leg up and down anxiously "Wh-what if I f-fall off?" he asks the twins and Lee. "You wont fall off, you've got really good balance." George responds. "Besides, you don't start properly flying until later this year. To start you'll just hover slightly in the air before landing again." Fred adds. Nathan nods, stroking Valour under the table "O-Okay." he responds. Just then the mail arrives, a tawny landing in front of Nathan. Taking the letter and parcel it's holding, Nathan gives the owl a piece of bacon before it flies off again "Who's it from?"  Lee asks. "It's fr-from my Uncle, i-it's the pictures he told m-me he'd find of my mother." Nathan responds, opening the letter.

Here are the pictures I promised you, there's a mixture of muggle and wizard in ones. Some are of me, your mother and our friends, others are of you and your mother. I also put some in of us from this summer. If you have any questions about them, just ask. They all have names and dates on the back.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Uncle Remus

Smiling, Nathan opens the parcel and starts looking at the pictures "Who's this?" George asks, looking at a picture of Nathan's mother and his Uncle at school. "That's my m-mother and uu-ncle at school." Nathan responds, looking at the back of the photo. the four friends continue looking at the pictures til they come across a picture of Nathan's mother, his uncle and three other boys "Right to left. Padfoot, Prongs, Evans, Flutter, Moony, Wormtail." Nathan reads out. "We know those names." Fred tells him. "How?" Nathan asks. "We'll show you later." George responds, making him nod. McGonagall walks over and sees the photographs "I see your Uncle has sent you some photographs Mr Riddle." she smiles, seeing her old students. "Yes Professor, d-do you know who these three are with m-my mum and Uncle?" Nathan asks, showing her the photograph. "Those four were your Uncle and Mother's best friends. That's Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Potter, well Evans back then, and Peter Pettigrew." she tells him. "J-James and Lily P-Potter... as in H-Harry's parents?" Nathan asks. "The exact same." McGonagall nods. "What a-about this one, it says that i-it's my mum a-and someone called S-Sev?" Nathan asks, handing McGonagall a different photograph. "This is your mother and her other best friend, Professor Snape." McGonagall explains, handing the photographs back. Nathan nods "Could you d-duplicate the photographs, j-just these two?" he asks. McGonagall does so with a wave of her wand "Th-Thank you Professor." Nathan smiles. "You're welcome Mr Riddle." she says, giving him a small smile before going to see what the commotion further along the table is.

Nathan gets up "I'll be right b-back." he tells the twins and Lee. "We'll put these back in the box for you." Lee responds, beginning to put the photographs away. Nodding, Nathan walks over to the Professor's table and goes over to Snape "Pr-Professor. My uncle s-sent these and I th-thought you'd like a c-copy of th-this one." he explains, handing him the copy of the picture. Snape's face softens when he sees the picture of him and Nathan's mother "Thank you Mr Riddle." he responds. Nathan nods and walks off, not seeing the slight smile on his Professor's face. Next Nathan goes over to Harry and Ron "H-Harry. My uncle sent m-me some photographs. It t-turns out that he a-and my mum were best friends w-with your parents. I got Professor Mc-McGonagall to duplicate this photo. That's my m-mum and uncle th-there in the middle, and that's y-your parents there. The other t-two are Sirius and Peter, th-they were also friends with them. I th-thought that m-maybe you'd want a-a copy." Nathan explains, giving Harry the photograph. "I... thank you Nathan." Harry responds, taking the photograph and looking at it. "If I f-find any others I'll l-let you kn-know." Nathan tells him. Harry nods and looks at the photograph as Nathan goes and rejoins the twins and Lee.

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