preparing for the hunt.

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(y/n)'s pov

I woke up naked with Weiss in the same bed. She hugged me tightly as I tried to leave.

Weiss: you're not leaving till I say you can.

(y/n): the others are probably wondering where we are.

Weiss: they'll be fine without us.

I kept trying every excuse I had till I just gave in.

(y/n): do you want to do that again?

Weiss: do you need to ask.

I climbed on top of Weiss and pinned her by her wrists. She yelped in pain and I quickly let go.

(y/n): I'm sorry.

Weiss: it's okay, my wrists still need time to heal.

I looked at my hands and saw her blood.

Weiss: don't think I wanted you to stop.

I think I could get used to this.

Ruby's pov

I woke up after sleeping for who knows how long. I didn't dream nor did I have nightmares. One moment I was sleeping next I was awake. I left the room and started hearing Weiss moaning again. I left the quarters area to explore around the dream. While I was looking around I found a wall of photos called "the wall of old hunters". The photo that caught my eye was one of my mom and some other guy. I took it off the wall and saw a small plaque.

Roman Shelby & Summer Rose

Suddenly a man who looked like a priest walked up to me.

Gascoigne: don't listen to the rumors about Summer.

Ruby: what rumors?

Gascoigne: to mock Summer, the hunters called her a whore.

Ruby: why would they call her that?

Gascoigne: they're just angry. You see years ago, you could ask anyone about Summer and they would tell you she is the kindest woman in Yharnam and the best hunter you could ever have met. But now if you ask about her they would call her a whore and that she should've died in the hunt. I don't like her being called that but I understand why.

Ruby: well why?

Gascoigne: she abandoned her baby to the hunt. the boy only survived because my partner, henryk found him.

Ruby: who was the baby and why would she abandon him?

Gascoigne: it was (y/n). She abandoned him because she never wanted him and since his father died and no one was around to take care of him so she abandoned.

Ruby: who was the father?

Gascoigne: Roman Shelby.

I looked at the photo and saw that Roman was a cat faunus like (y/n).

Gascoigne: Roman was a strange hunter. He came to Yharnam in order To cure a disease he had. But the blood chose him to be a hunter. He wasn't a bad hunter nor was he a good one. He was average. But to this day I don't know what Ms Rose saw in him but she loved him.

Ruby: were they ever married?

Gascoigne: they should. I was the one who married them.

(y/n): hello father. Oh hey Ruby.

I turned around and saw (y/n). I looked at his neck and saw what looked like a bite mark on it.

Ruby: what's that mark on your neck?

The Huntsman From Yharnam (Bloodborne faunus male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now