the new hunter

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(y/n)'s pov

I put the note away and got up.

(y/n): I should find this Mercury guy.

I left my room and returned to the city. I started to walk around looking for this kid.

???: Behind you!

I quickly turned around and saw a beast try to attack me but then a grey haired hunter kicked it to the ground. I quickly grabbed my pistol and shot it while it was down.

(y/n): thank you.

???: no problem.

(y/n): what's your name?

Mercury: I'm Mercury.

(y/n): hey I was looking for you.

Mercury: what do you want?

(y/n): I found this on one of your allies.

I hand him the note and he looks it over.

Mercury: this is Emerald's handwriting. Where is she?

(y/n): I'm sorry but she was infected and I had to kill her.

I could see he got angry. He yelled and punched the wall.

Mercury: she tricked us!

(y/n): who?

Mercury: that "goddess". She manipulated us into bringing the blood moon here. Causing the plague. If we knew it would get this bad we wouldn't have done anything.

(y/n): there's a way you can make it right.

Mercury: how?

(y/n): come with me.

I take him back to Beacon and lead him to my room.

(y/n): lie down.

Mercury: okay?

He lies down and I take out a knife. I went over to him and slit his wrist.

Mercury: what are you doing?!

(y/n): calm down. Just let the blood drip out of you.

I let him bleed for a minute before I bandage it. I then took out a blood vial and stuck a needle in his arm.

(y/n): when it's all over. It will all feel like a bad dream.

The blood began to flow in his arm and I walked to the lamp. I touched it and returned to the dream. I walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. After a few minutes, I saw Mercury awaken in the dream.

Mercury: what just happened?

(y/n): it was just a nightmare.

Mercury: where am I?

(y/n): welcome to the Hunter's dream.

He began to look around.

Mercury: why am I here?

(y/n): I brought you here. Now then let's get you fixed up.

Mercury: no. I want to get back out there.

(y/n): you got a fire in you. I like that.

I stood up.

(y/n): you need a weapon?

Mercury: I don't need one.

(y/n): alright. Let's get out of here.

I took him to the awakening stone and we woke back to the church.

The Huntsman From Yharnam (Bloodborne faunus male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now