endless nightmare

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(y/n)'s POV

We arrived at the dream and I ran straight to Master Gehrman.

(y/n): Master Gehrman. The night isn't ending.

Gehrman: what do you mean?

I pulled out my watch and showed him the time.

Gehrman: that isn't possible.

Suddenly, Master Henryk ran to Gehrman.

Henryk: Master Gehrman, the night in Yharnam isn't ending.

(y/n): strange. It's not ending in Beacon either.

Gehrman: Henryk, gather all the hunters you can. I need to make an announcement. (y/n), get your team as well.

I ran off to go find the girls.

(y/n): we need to go to the courtyard. Wait where's Ruby?

Yang: we never saw her.

(y/n): how? She was with me when we arrived.

Blake: why do we need to go to the courtyard?

(y/n): Master Gehrman will explain.

I took them all to the courtyard where we saw the hunters standing around, waiting for the speech Gehrman is going to make.

Henryk: Master Rose, have you seen Gascoigne?

(y/n): no I haven't sir.

Henryk: damn.

He left and went back to look for Gascoigne.

Maria: (y/n) is that you?

I turned around and lady Maria hugged me as hard as she could.

(y/n): it's nice to meet you too Maria.

Maria: what are you doing here? I thought you left for Beacon?

(y/n): I did but then the hunt followed me.

Weiss: who's this?

I can hear the anger in her voice.

(y/n): this is lady Maria. She's been my friend since we were kids.

Maria held her hand out to shake Weiss's hand. Weiss smacked her hand and pointed at her.

Weiss: he's my boyfriend and you stay away from him!

Pyrrha: you aren't dating! Besides he likes me more.

Maria: my my. I didn't know you were with girls like that?

(y/n): they were only one time things.

Pyrrha&Weiss: one time things?!

I was getting uncomfortable.

(y/n): *whispered* Maria help me.

Maria: hey (y/n), have you seen Eileen anywhere? She was here earlier but now she disappeared.

(y/n): no I haven't.

Finally, Gehrman began to make his speech.

Gehrman: hunters of Yharnam! As some of you may know it is day time.

Many people took out their pocket watches and saw the time.

Gehrman: but outside, the hunt still rages on. We must fight for both our home and for our Families.

All the hunters started to make a battle cry.

Gehrman: go out there and fight the beasts that plague our streets. One more thing, any hunter who wants to join the son of the hunters on his crusade. Speak now!

The Huntsman From Yharnam (Bloodborne faunus male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now