Barkingburg, March 16 2045

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where an older Princess of Barkingburg who is now queen is waiting outside with an older Sweetie)

Sweetie: So my queen, when do you think they'll arrive?

Queen of Barkingburg: Our visitors should be arriving soon!

(flash of light before Fungus and Nightfall arriving in Fungus's fungal sand rail)

Nightfall: (waves) Hi queen!

Queen of Barkingburg: (giggles) I see our time traveling associates have arrived!

Sweetie: (confused) How did you even get here?

Fungus: (reveals the Sand of Time) Mason let us borrow this!

Queen of Barkingburg: Please come in for the tea party!

Nightfall: (squeals) Yay! (walks over)

Fungus: Hold on! (makes his sand rail vanish) Don't want it being taken for a joyride!

Queen of Barkingburg: Follow me, our dear ifrit pups associates!

Nightfall: Yay! (sighs) I sure hope mama and papa are fine!

Fungus: Gasket's my mom, but Chase isn't my father!

Nightfall: (shrugs) Fair enough!

(scene changes to the foursome having a tea party)

Queen of Barkingburg: I'm happy you two kindly agreed to come!

Nightfall: Thank you for inviting us, your majesty!

Fungus: (nods) Indeed! (sighs) I hope mom is okay?

Nightfall: (nods) Me too!

(flash of light)

(two pups land on the tea party table)

Sound: (two thuds)

Two voices: Oof!

Everyone at tea party table: (gasps upon seeing who make those sounds)

Chase: (eyes closed) (unsure) Did we wind up with the dinosaurs?

Gasket: (opens her eyes) Good news, we're not with the dinosaurs! (looks over seeing two familiar faces) (gasps)

Chase: Something wrong Gasket?

Gasket: (moves away from Chase) (squeals) I thought I'd never see you two again!

Fungus and Nightfall: (happily) Mom!

Chase: (opens his eyes to see older versions of the princess and sweetie) Hi guys, I'm just guessing we wound up in the future again?

Queen of Barkingburg: Nice to see you again after all these years Chase!

Sweetie: If you're wondering of the time period, today is March 16 2045! I assume you already know in Barkingburg!

Chase: (sighs) We're still not in the right area or time period!

Gasket: Who cares, I'm back with my dear ifrit pups

Chase: (looks over) Huh? (surprised) Why do you two look so young?

Nightfall: Time traveling papa!

Fungus: Hello, Chase! We didn't expect you and mom to appear today!

Chase: Time traveling thing to get here?

Fungus: Yep! The Sands of Time!

Gasket: Okay, I've got a question? How have Mason, Mirage, or both been able to show up in the several time periods we've visited so far?

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