Paris France, February 14 1492

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(scene opens to Paris France, February 14 1492 where a small rift opens up before Gasket and Chase land in a filled dumpster)

Gasket and Chase: Oof!

Chase: (disgusted) We landed in a dumpster!

Gasket: (interested) Ooh! Fresh pup food!

Chase: Wait Gasket!

Gasket: (eats the pup food she finds) Not bad!

Chase: (disgusted) Yuck, pup food from a dumpster!

Gasket: (shrugs) Aww, don't worry Chase this stuff is fresh!

(scene switches to the Lookout in the present day where Mason reports their latest landing)

Mason: Well from what Oracle told me, they're wound up in Paris France, February 14 1492!

Everest, Marshall, Skye, Coral, Zuma, Tracker: (disappointed) Aww!

Rocky, Rubble and Liberty: (cheers) Oh yeah! We got forty two pup treats! (gets paid the pup treats)

Liberty: Fourteen treats for each of us!

Rubble and Rocky: Yeah! (high five each then Liberty)

Mason: Well Mirage and I are off! (Everest puts one of her paws Mason's boot and the other one on Marshall)

Mirage: (tosses Mason the Sands of time) Back to the past! (sits beside Mason)

Mason: Sands of Time! (all four vanish)

Rubble: (confused) Wasn't Everest and Marshall just here?

Skye: (realizes) Mason said Paris, France, February 14, right Ryder?

Ryder: Yep! (realizes) Ooh! Valentine's Day in Paris, France!

Skye: (giggles) I bet Everest wanted to be with Marshall in Paris, France on February 14! (swoons) How romantic!

Liberty and Coral: (swoons) Yeah!

(scene changes to Mason and all three pups arriving in Paris France, February 1492)

Mason: Well pups we've arrived! (looks back) Mirage told me you wanted to come along so I kept quite Everest!

Everest: (blushes) I couldn't help myself!

Marshall: Why'd you... (kissed on the lips by Everest) (embraces her kiss) ...bring me?

Everest: (blushes) I thought it'd be nice to go on a date while Mason and Mirage could look for our friends while we keep a lookout!

Marshall: Hm? Would that be okay with you Mason?

Mason: (nods) (reaches into his satchel and pulls out money for this location and time period) Legal money for this exact time and place! (lifts Everest hat and puts it under) That way you two can buy a romantic dinner!

Marshall and Everest: (touched) Thanks Mason!

Mason: Now go enjoy yourself young pups!

Marshall and Everest: (squeals and happily run off together)

Mirage: (curiously) How much did you give them anyway?

Mason: Five hundred in hundreds for this time period!

Mirage: How nice! (curiously) What happened in this time period again?

Mason: Something about Christopher Columbus discovering America but thought it was India!

Mirage: How will we find them in Paris, France?

Mason: (reveal a tasmanian devil disc) Let's try out the tasmanian devil selection of skills)

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