North Pole, Santa's house, May 25 2023

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(scene opens to Santa's house in the North Pole on May 25 2023 where Santa and his elves are busy preparing for next Christmas)

Santa Claus: Ho, ho, ho! Nicely done my faithful elves!

Sound: (crackling)

Santa Claus: (confused) Huh?

(a time rift opens up before Chase and Gasket roll out)

Chase and Gasket: (lands on their chests) Oof!

Chase: (concerned) Do you think Mason's okay?

Gasket: (unsure) I hope so, after that last adventure?

Santa Claus's voice: Ho, ho, ho! Nice seeing you again Chase!

Chase: (looks up to find Santa) (gasps) Santa!

Gasket: (eyes widen) Wait... you the Santa Claus! (squeals) (swoons and faints)

Chase: (surprised) Gasket?

Santa Claus: Ho, ho, ho, it appears the young naughty pup was very overly delighted to see me in person!

Chase: Santa, do you know what day and year it is?

Santa Claus: You're just another day into the future, Chase!

Chase: Oh! At least the two of us arrived somewhere quite nice!

Santa Claus: So you two are still trying to find a way back to the second you left?

Chase: (sighs) Yep! We just really wanna find our way back to our time!

Santa Claus: I must admit with Gasket spending more time with you she's slowly changing her ways!

Chase: She is?

Santa Claus: (nods) She's falling in love with you and I can tell you're slowly falling in love with her!

Chase: (nods) I can admit she is slowly growing on me!

(scene changes to the very bottom of the South Pole where Mason and Everest appear thanks to the Sands of Time)

Everest: (giggles) Thanks for letting me try out the Sands of Time, Mason!

Mason: No problem Everest! (puts the Sands of Time back into his satchel)

Everest: (looks around) Where's Chase and Gasket?

Mason: This is the North Pole, right?

Everest: (surprised) North Pole!? Mirage told me it was the South Pole!

Mason: Sounds like our magical buddy played a little joke on you, since Oracle told me the twosome where at Santa's house!

Everest: (gasps) (squeals) They are both so very lucky, I'd love a chance to see Santa Claus again sooner than a Christmas mission!

Mason: That's going to be a long trip to the North Pole!

Everest: How will we get there?

Mason: (reveals a puffin disc) Might I suggest puffin powers?

Everest: So we'd get to fly all the way north, sounds like an interesting trip!

Mason: Or we could use a different creature power like flying fish, sailfish, etc.

Everest: (picks the flying fish disc) Please? (begging eyes)

Mason: (smiles and nods)

(scene changes to Mason now wearing his flying fish suit as Everest has her paws wrapped around his neck as they head north)

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