Roughtown, Alberta Canada, 7 months before the Ruff-Ruff Pack formed

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(scene opens to Roughtown, Alberta Canada where twin huskies have just escape from not very nice dog pound and are being chased by angry dog catchers)

Husky #1: (female voice) Come on brother, we need to get away from them!

Husky #2: (male voice) (coughs) (weakly) Sorry sis, but I don't think I'm gonna make it!

Husky #1: (gasps) (firmly) I'm not leaving you behind Rivet, or my name isn't Gasket! (put her brother on her back and runs past an alley)

Dog Catchers: (annoyed) Get those mutts!

(the dog catchers run past the very same alley before a portal opens up before present day Gasket and Chase tumble out)

Chase: (looks around) Where'd we go this time?

Gasket: (notices a nearby sign) That sign says we're in Roughtown, Alberta Canada!

Chase: I wonder what year we're in?

Dog Catcher's voice: Get back here Gasket and Rivet so we can lock you back up!

Gasket: (eyes widen) (realizes) It's seven months before the Ruff-Ruff Pack formed!

Chase: (surprised) How'd you know that Gasket?

Gasket: (whimpering) I know that dog catcher voice! They had me and my twin brother locked up!

Chase: (surprised) Twin brother?

Gasket: (nods) (crying)

Chase: (concerned) Is something wrong?

Gasket: (holds onto Chase and cries) Me and my brother just escaped from a not very nice dog pound and are being chased by angry dog catchers as we speak!

Chase: (concerned) Is something else wrong?

Gasket: (crying) (sniffling) My brother's ill and he'll die in a few months!

Chase: (tearful) That's so sad! (comforts Gasket) It must be very emotional being back here, isn't it?

Gasket: (crying) Yes! (holds Chase as she lets the tears flow)

Chase: There, there Gasket, I know how it feels!

Gasket: (nuzzles Chase) (calming down) Thank you Chase! (licks his cheek to show affection) (looks back) (concerned) Uh oh!

Chase: What is it?

Gasket: Dog catchers!

(the twosome look back to find dog catchers with nets)

Dog catchers: Get that mutt and the other one!

(large strands of spider silk from above hit Gasket and Chase on their back)

Gasket and Chase: (confused) Huh? (pulled upward) (surprised) Yipe!

Dog catchers: They're getting away!

Sound: (hissing)

(a human size spider figure scales down the walls approaching the dog catchers)

Dog catchers: (scared screams) A giant spider! (shouts) Run! It'll eat us! (runs away screaming with fear)

(scene change to the rooftop where Liberty and Mirage are helping remove the spider silk from Gasket and Chase's backs)

Gasket: Thanks for the save guys!

Liberty: No sweat, (concerned) I can't believe the rough past you had girl?

Gasket: (sighs) After losing my dear twin brother, I was never sure who to trust and until I meet Hubcap and Dwayne the three of us got along until we decided to form the Ruff-Ruff Pack! (sniffling)

Gasket x Chase Love Across TimeWhere stories live. Discover now