The Golden Age ♦️

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And just like that, for the next six years he and Lena were inseparable, they hardly went anywhere without each other. Best friends all the way up to high school, which is where he and Lena were walking home from now. Most of the locals had grown custom to so many Americans being in the UK. It was so normal now that most Americans there would occasionally have a British accent whenever they spoke since most of their friends and co-workers were British. The funniest part is it went BOTH ways, since Lena practically grew up around Logan and hundreds of other Americans, you could hear here speak in an American accent every once and awhile. But that was usually if she was either REALLY pissed or REALLY drunk.


A now seventeen year old Logan felt a beer can hit his head.

Boy:oi yank!

Lena:oh come off it! Can't you pricks just give it up?!

unfortunately there were still some that didn't except Logan or any Americans for that matter, mostly people who had been forced out of their homes to make room. Part of Logan couldn't blame them...but he still hated it. The Boys were now in two trucks speeding towards them.

Logan:son of a-

Logan began to walk towards them in anger but Lena stopped him.

Lena:no Logan! just go.


Lena:just run! go!

she shoved him away from the trucks so hard that his backpack fell off. Logan began to run as hard and as fast as he could down the street, through the neighborhood and into London.


the trucks sped past Lena completely ignoring her.

Lena:just leave him alone assholes!!!

she said in an almost PERFECT American accent.

Lena:oh there it went again...

she reached in her left pocket and pulled out the red obsidian shard...oh who was she kidding? She had no idea how to use it.

Lena:calm down...he'll be fine.

She wanted him to run to protect the BOYS not Logan...she knew that if she let that fight play out it wouldn't have ended well for anyone involved. She sometimes wondered why Logan trusted her with something so important, if anyone knew-


she shook her head clearing her mind of the thought, she'd take his secret to the grave if she had to.


As he sprinted down the center street of the neighborhood Logan desperately tried to find any means to escape the trucks, in order to hide his abilities he couldn't just use his full speed otherwise he'd already be in central London by now. The best he could do was cut off into some random persons yard and hop their fence JUST as the trucks reached him, they were so close he could practically feel the metal bumper on his back as he cut left into the persons backyard.



Logan hopped over several fences taking a shortcut into London, by the time he stopped running he was out of breath but stable and uninjured save a few bruises and cuts he got from jumping those fences. Once he gathered himself he began to look around at his surroundings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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