𝟎𝟓. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬

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chapter 5:
the mother of monsters

                             chapter 5:the mother of monsters                                                                     

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The group of teens eventually made it onto a train after shipping medusas head to Olympus, Asteria examined the room where the group was staying

"I guess we're sleeping here" Grover announced placing his bags on the top bunk as Annabeth quickly put her on the next available one

"Guess im sleeping on the floor then" Asteria mumbled her face curling up in disgust"Don't worry we are both sleeping on the floor" Percy scoffed placing his bags down

"Im going to bed" Grover told them as Annabeth agreed- Asteria was on the ground which was covered in blankets she could feel Percy laying down next to her

"Hey" He whispered as she turned towards him "hi" she replied smiling- the redness crept onto her cheeks "you aren't tired" He questioned "not yet" She shrugged, Percy only looked up at the ceiling

"Goodnight" She mumbled putting her head onto his chest, she could hear his breath hitch before wrapping a hand around her "Goodnight Asteria"

Asteira could hear the group talking as she slept but she payed no attention  "Keep it down, she's still sleeping" She heard Percy as his grip on her waist tightened "Is it almost morning?" Asteira mumbled as she woke up "Yeah it is"

Asteria looked around the room as she noticed everyone was awake - she quickly got up as Percy quickly followed "The sun's barely raising" Grover said as the group walked out the cabin for breakfast

"Two days until we reach los angeles" Grover informed them as Asteria ate her pancakes she had gotten

"Can i ask a dumb question?" Percy asked from beside her "Aren't all your questions dumb?" Asteria teased as Percy smiled "Shoot"

"How will we have any idea where we're going?" He questioned "No idea, Thats step 37 we're on step 4" Grover stated

Asteria zoned up not paying attention to the conversation Centaur - Percy noticed this as grabbed her hand from under the table

"The Oracle didn't say the quest will fail" Annabeth brought up "That could mean alot of things, that's how prophecies work, thats how fate works"

Asteria nodded in agreement as Percy looked surprised the group's conversation came to a sudden halt "Excuse me. Can i see your ticket please?" A man approached as Everyone looked at each other

"Follow me" The officer ordered "Don't be nervous it makes me look more suspicious" Grover whispered as Asteria scoffed "Why would we be suspicious in the first place"

They stopped at their cabin "Wanna explain" The cabin was destroyed "You think we did this?" Percy asked as Asteria sighed this wont be good
"Did you?" The police asked

"When we left , everything was intact" Grover said panic in his voice - getting in trouble with police could effect the quest big time

Asteria noticed a woman talking to another officer she seems suspicious "We gave a witness she heard the window smash"

"Seriously?" Asteria said and scoffed "Can you tell me what time you left the cabin?" He was trying to get information out of them

Annabeth starting going off at the officer as Asteria shook her head in disbelief as the officer took them back to the breakfast area

"I don't think he's a monster" Annabeth admitted "But she definitely is" Asteria added pointing at the witness "Why would anyone tear our room apart?" Percy whispered "Why are we whispering?" Asteria questioned as everyone gave her a look

"Sorry" She mumbled "But maybe they were looking for something in the room" Grover answered Percys question "Like what?"

"People think you stole Zeus's master bolt" Annabeth reminded "We need to get out of this before we get delayed" Annabeth warned as the witness walked by

Asteria elbowed Percy as he looked at the woman as she tapped Annabeth's shoulder "Do you mind if i sit?" She stuttered - Asteria sighed in relief that she was on the window seat

she found it suspicious that a woman would want to sit with a group of teenagers- she furrowed her brows looking at her in confusion

"You poor dear" She took a seat next to Percy as he scooted more towards Asteria "Your parents aren't here, are they?" She asked but only if she knew

"Dont you guys get scared when they're all alone" She kept looking at her bag which was making strange noises as if there was an animal inside

"Im a mom, i know how scared you must be" She told them trying to get a reaction but they all seemed unfazed and uncomfortable

The lady turned to face the officer- Asteria had a gut feeling "do you mind giving us a little space" The older woman asked - Asteria could feel Percy searching for her hand, she interlocked their fingers as he squeezed her hand

"I think you're making them nervous" The lady came up with a excuse for the officer to go away - she only nodded before leaving

She smiled creepy towards them as Asteria face curled up in cringe "I don't think you made that mess" She admitted as the group all looked at eachother "I just wanted a moment alone with you"

The group was silent trying to figure out what this lady could possibly want "There are somethings i need you to understand-" She began
"You have something on your jacket" Grover interrupted "it looks like glass" He mumbled as Asteria quietly gasped at his realization

"No one smashed out the windows from inside our cabin. Someone smashed them from the inside" Grover stated as the lady had a face of guilty which she tried to hide "Hm, oh!" She gasped as her bag started moving

"Okay what the actual fuck" Asteria whispered loud enough for only the group to hear "Your impatient" The lady whispered to her bag

Percy scooted more towards Asteria, she was honestly pushed up against the window but she couldn't blame him the woman was scary

"This isn't your fault" She towered over the group - she brought up their parents and thats when Percy opened his mouth "We dont know who you are but we know what you are."

"You can quit this act of acting innocent we all know the truth, we can easily send you packing like the other monsters" Asteria snapped

"Other monsters? They were my children" Asteria gasped muttering a quick 'oh shit' under her breath "The mother of monsters" Grover explained "Echinda"


                                    ❥༄     ─

𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢 speaks
sorry for not updating i was waiting for the new episode to release!

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