𝟎𝟔. 𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲

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chapter 6:
athena's sanctuary

                               chapter 6:                        athena's sanctuary                                   

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"Asteria run" Percy yelled grabbing ahold of her hand after whatever monster was in the bag tried attacking them - "Holy shit" She gasped seeing the officers began chasing them

The train started shaking as Asteria stumbled stopping Percy in his tracks making sure she was okay and helping her up

Annabeth locked the door holding the cops from getting in - they stopped as Grover noticed something on Percys shirt "A stinger" She whispered as Grover took it out

"Do you know what kind of monster has one of those?" Annabeth questioned "I mean nothing good probably" Grover stuttered "Wow that made it so much better" Asteria sighed

Percy clutch onto his arm- even then he didn't let go of the girl standing next to him. "Do you feel okay?" They asked "I think so, why?" Percy worried

"Do you think it's poisonous or something"

"Im not sure" Annabeth replied "You'll be fine either way" Asteria reassured trying to calm the boy down - the train went silent as it creaked

The group stared in disbelief as loud footsteps echoed all throughout as one of the trains doors began to shatter "Fuck make a run for it!" Asteria yelped as they started running "We gotta move" One of the boys yelled

"Stay close" Percy warned her as they jumped out of the train running onto the train tracks "Why isn't it still chasing us?"

"It wont venture too far from her mother" Annabeth explained as Grover began leading them away from the train "We aren't gonna be able to outrun them"

"We don't have to" Annabeth instantly replied
"We just need a safe place to hold up" Asteria scoffed "And where would we find a safe place?" She asked

They ignored her "Any ideas where?" Percy questioned "I do" Annabeth admitted- Asteria gave no reaction of course annabeth knew.

Annabeth brought up a sanctuary "Expect it's not all that hidden"

Asteria gasped as the group approached the arch "The arch is help up by symmetry" Annabeth informed them - They made it down a staircase that was full with kids their age

"This is how you show Athene your love"

Asteria payed no attention to the conversation it was nothing new "We're safe here, right?" Grover asked still nervous about their whereabouts "No monsters can enter"

"Im gonna see if there's another train we can get tickets on, we can't stay here forever" Grover walked away

Asteria noticed Percy talking to Annabeth so she walked away sitting down on a near by bench - she overheard the pair talking she tried to not pay attention

Asteria started fidgeting with her rings as she leaned back against the wall - She turned her attention to the curl haired blonde who was looking around the room - more like searching around the room, his gaze instantly landed on her - he seemed relieved before walking towards her

"You've been acting different" Percy began sitting next to her - she smiled "yeah sorry it's just a-lot, you know almost dying each day while being on this quest" She admitted

"No i get understand it's tiring" He agreed "tiring and scary" She mumbled recalling the incident on the train "You don't have to be scared Asteria ill try to always be by your side" Percy smiled at her

He got up - he suddenly grabbed his chest almost falling "Percy careful" Asteria said loud enough for Annabeth and Grover to hear "What happened" They came rushing over

"I think those stinger things are poisonous" He stuttered holding onto Asteria for support "I have an idea, both of you help me" Annabeth told them as they all got ahold of Percy

"The fountain seriously?" Asteria questioned as Annabeth and Grover placed the boy down inside "Yes now help us or get lost" Annabeth snapped as Asteria bit the inside of her cheek

She helped the pair splash Percy with fountain water "It worked at camp it can work here" Annabeth was out of breath "I think it's working" Asteria looked at Percy who looked even worse

"Percy don't" She warned as he didn't listen getting up before falling back down "He's getting worse" Asteria worried "Maybe it needs to be naturally running water for Poseidon to heal him"

"Where are we gonna find natural running water" Asteria sighed as a sudden crashing noise came from the street catching the groups attention

"I think we should go inside" Asteria suggested as she watched the car flip over gasping "We have to keep trying" Grover insisted

"Great she just has to spawn everywhere" Asteria rolled her eyes noticing Echinda slowly approaching "We'll take Percy inside and we'll go to the temple altar" Annabeth came up with a plan

Asteria helped Percy up as he wrapped an arm around the waist for support- he budged into Grover's and Annabeth's conversation "I thought we don't ask for help"

"Come on let's get moving" Grover wrapped an arm around Percy as they helped him walk inside "Did you hear that?" Annabeth stuttered as she seemed startled "Hear what?" They questioned

They rushed inside the tram before sitting down "Annabeth i thought you said no monster could get in" Asteria questioned seeing Echinda



𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢 speaks
once again this isn't proofread also sorry if this chapter seems rushed

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