𝟏𝟗. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

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                          chapter 19:
       the house


                          chapter 19:                                  the house                                                                                            

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Asteria heart pounded with each step she took. Her grip on Percy's hand loosened. She followed Percy as he opened the door of the house. Asteria was going to let Percy go inside by himself but he insisted she went with. Grover had stayed behind nodding at her that it was okay.

Percy let go of her hand as they both wandered around the house. Asteria walked into the kitchen not far from Percy. "Quite something, isn't it?" She flinched at the sudden voice "Asteria!" Percy called for her gesturing for the blonde to come towards him

Percy got ahold of the girl pushing her slightly behind him. Asteria turned around hearing footsteps behind her but sighed in relief realizing it was Grover and Annabeth. "Using earthquakes to clear the skies?" She recognized it was Alecto

Annabeth clutched onto Hades helm as everyone looked at it. "Hades sent you to retrieve it" Percy pointed at the helm behind him "That's been your quest all along." It all clicked like puzzle pieces. Grover stood next to Asteria, his presence bringing her comfort.

Percy reached forward taking the helm from Annabeth's hands. He placed it on the table aggressively. "What are you doing?" Annabeth questioned the boy's actions, Asteria stared at them almost if her looks could kill. "Living up to my end of the bargain" He clarified

Alecto approached the helm "Tell hades i expect him to do the same." Asteria read Percy'd facial expressions he was definitely thinking his decision through. "Good luck on Olympus" She had a smirk on her face, could she be trusted?

She walked towards the exit "Perhaps there will still be a world left for your mother to return to" She gave them a smug smile before disappearing
"I just got chills" Asteria ran a hand up her arm which was now filled with goosebumps "What does that mean-" Grover didn't even finish his sentence

He turned to Percy almost in disbelief "Dude." He shook his head "I have no say in this" Asteria muttered taking a step back "No" Annabeth automatically disagreed, Percy looked at all of them, his eye lingering on Asteria a little longer "I have to." He admitted "What for?"

"The quest failed. We missed the deadline."

"This is bigger than the quest" He argued "Before we set off, Chiron told me the last war of Olympus kicked off World War II down here"

"We damn near started World War III, at this point if we go through with this" Asteria shrugged, this could go multiple ways. "We have to get Zeus to call it off, returning the bolt is the only way i can get his attention."

"Why would anyone want Zeus's attention" Asteria scoffed almost in denial hearing his words "I agree with Asteria. You don't want Zeus's attention" Grover seemed mad hearing the boys plan "I gotta tell him about Kronos!" Percy's voice raised slightly

"Did you see how frightened Hades was about the idea of Kronos coming back?" Percy brought up, not backing down "Zeus has to know."

"Bringing him the bolt might be enough to get him to listen." Asteria flinched at the mention of the bolt, something Annabeth clearly picked up on "You three got to go to camp"

"Now that we know who Ares and Clarisse were working for, someone has to warn Chiron." Percy ranted "So what? you want us to leave you all alone?!" Asteria crossed her arms in protest, tongue rolling against her cheek "He'll kill you."

Asteria thought about the possiblity of that happening, it felt like her stomach was twisting into knots. "Either because he still thinks you stole the bolt, or because you're a forbidden kid"

"Zeus will never let you leave Olympus alive."

"Percy you need to think these things through." The worried in Asteria's voice was clear, it caught Percy off guard it was obvious in his facial expressions, Percy shook his head a slight scoff coming from him. "Im sorry, but im done running from monsters."

"So what you're becoming one?" Asteria knew she was wrong for this, but everything had been falling apart.

Percys gaze made her regret her words "This is too important. I have to try" She knew it bothered Percy. Asteria stared at Percy as Annabeth reached forward placing her necklace on Percy. "You're gonna need all the luck you can get"

"Just for clarity, how sure are we you couldn't have just explained everything in an email?" Asteria furrowed her eyebrows "Where's the glory in that?" He remarked someones words

"Well, let's go goodluck" Grover stated standing in between both girl as they started walking out. They had made it outside the steps. "Fuck im sorry i'll be back." Asteria ranted before turning back instantly

Grover nodded he knew what she was going to do. "We'll wait here" He reassured as she rushed up the steps "Asteria?" Percy questioned as he had been packing things inside his back pack "Percy" She wrapped her arms around him which he automatically did back.

"Im so sorry, i didn't mean it. I saw the look on you're face" Asteria ranted looking up at the boy "It's fine" He mumbled as his grip on her got tighter. It felt like it was them too.

"Here, i wont let you go without something of mine" She smiled pulling off her bracket which had her name engraved into it. She picked up Percy's hand placing it on his wrist. She could hear his breath hitch as it latched on.

Percy finally looked at her. a soft smile on his face and his cheeks a shade of pink. "Thank you, ill have a part of you for awhile even when your away from me."

Asteria smiled, her forehead leaning on the boys arm and his hand on her shoulder. After a few moments, they pulled away, cheeks rosy and eyes glistening.

"You have to get going" Percy pulled away it was obvious he didn't want her to go. "I'll see you soon." He spoke. "Promise?"

"Of course, but bye for now Astie." She smiled at the new nickname "Bye Percy" She let go of his hand, walking away. She looked back two times before she was out of the house. "Let's go" Grover announced


                                    ❥༄     ─

𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢 speaks
i need a nickname for Percy like literally.

𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 ⸺ 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘺 𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘰𝘯¹.Where stories live. Discover now