𝒊𝒗. 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒔

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iv. bodies 


after they took out the body marley was finally able to get a little sleep..until the lovely girl beside her sat up which woke her up but she did not have enough energy to sit up with her 

"lottie" nat whispered, lottie didnt reply so nat crawled up next to her 

"its okay, he's gone, remember?" natalie whispered as the matthews girl just stared up at the attic

"we buried him" natalie said with a tiny nod 

"i think bad things happened here" lottie said eerily before cuddling back into the half sleep girl


it was now morning, marley barely got any sleep and was basically falling asleep 

they had found a gun now and ethan had it and was aiming at a squirrel 

"hey! you dont know what you're doing with that!" van yelled at the adams boy and jackie chirped up 

"he's being fucking stupid!" she yelled and ethan rolled his eyes 

"no, whats stupid is the fact that we have a gun and we're not fucking using it" ethan argued before quickly *trying* to aim at the squirrel and shoot it but he just missed and the suddenness made a few of the girls jump 

"jesus ethan, what the hell are you doing" marley asked him tiredly 

"what the hell" nat said while coming from wherever she was 

"hey!" coach ben walked out the cabin with a stick to hold him up 

"give me that" he said sternly and ethan rolled his eyes

"ethan, give me the gun" coach scott said sternly while putting his hand out and ethan got up annoyed and handed the man the gun 

coach emptied the shells and held up the gun 

"this is a dangerous weapon and we will handle it as such" ben stated to the group 

"we understand?" he asked and everyone nodded

"with that said, ethan is right, we're out of food and we're all feeling it" coach scott said and ethan smirked proudly 

"the good news is my father used to take me deer hunting every year as a kid" coach ben said with a grunt

"you cant even walk though" marley interrupted and ben nodded at her 

"exactly, so, that means, if we wanna eat, one of you is gonna have to learn how to use this thing" everyone looked around at each other but shauna, mari and jackie's eyes landed on marley 

coach ben started the test, putting a penny on the barrel of the gun, taissa went first 

"slow breath in" he said while misty put the coin on the barrel

"then full exhale and go.." when taissa pulled the trigger the coin fell off

"damn it" taissa whispered

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