𝒊𝒙. 𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈

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ix. doomcoming


akilah and shauna had went out to find something to eat, they came back with worms

marley didnt wanna eat fucking worms but she had to, because she was hungry 

everyone sat in silence, eating the worms 

"jax, you have to eat" shauna said softly 

"why? what does it matter at this point" jackie responded quickly 

"okay, i-i cant do this anymore" mari spoke, standing up and walking away to grab something coming back with a dark, watery jar 

"what is that?" coach scott asked 

"it was some berries i was trying to save but...i think it mightve turned into booze" mari said while beginning to open it 

"i dont know about the rest of you, but i could use a drink" 

"do we think its safe?" tai asked while looking around

"do we care?" coach ben asked back 

"i have a few more" mari said with a shrug and it was silent for a second before jackie spoke up, staring at the jar 

"if we have booze, lets have a party" 

"yeah, because we have so much to celebrate" tai responded, sarcasm lacing her voice 

"do we need a reason? we're gonna be dead in a few weeks" jackie said darkly and marley furrowed her eyebrows 

"who the hell is we?" marley whispered to ethan who just held back a laugh 

"theres a full moon tomorrow night" misty spoke up 

"and its almost homecoming" akilah added 

"we packed dresses, right?" lottie asked the group and jackie looked around 

"-for the awards dinner?" lottie continued 

"there we go, we have dresses, we have booze, we can decorate, have a sort of..moon homecoming" 

"more like a doom homecoming" tai said which made mari chuckle softly but van got up from her spot, walking away 

"a doomcoming" lottie and marley said at the same time and their heads quickly snapped toward each other as natalie laughed, pointing at them 

"now thats a party idea" 

"yeah..alright, doomcoming" jackie repeated a small smile on her face

"tomorrow night, we'll drink rotten berries and celebrate our impending death" jackie said and marley shook her head 

"still dont know who we is" marley mumbled again 


they were outside, finding things to decorate the cabin with and after they had finished decorating it was time for them to get ready 

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