𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.

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xviii. it chose you.


everyone walked back, nervous to face travis 

they put javi down with the stick as he looked at the body and at the girls with a confused look

tears began to well up in his eyes 

"it happened to fast...the wilderness chose" natalie said, everyone watching travis 

"no, no! no!" he said before running over to javi, his shoulder hitting tai's 

the rest of the group went inside was travis dropped to his knees in front of his brothers body, sobbing 


it was the same old routine when it came to misty checking up on lottie 

no one would let marley go 

misty came down, everyone looked up at her 

"lotties pleased with the wilderness's choice, she says javi will save us" misty said, no one said a word as misty walked over to shauna 

"shauna" misty whispered to shauna who just looked at misty, taking a second to get up as everyone watched her 

she grabbed her knife, a few getting up behind her

travis was still at his brothers dead body, sobbing over it

he looked over his shoulder, staring at shauna, looking at the knife then back at shauna 

"no" he said, his voice weak and cracking

he turned back around to his brother slowly, putting his forehead on javi's before gently putting him down 

"im sorry" he sobbed before getting up and walking back inside, hitting shauna's shoulder in the process 

shauna quickly looked behind herself 


they set up their spot, cleaning the snow of the table, after they finished setting up the spot, they put javi down

taking off his clothes, once he was fully unclothed, nat grabbed a cloth, putting it over his crotch 

they then stood back, watching as shauna picked up a shaky hand but still not doing anything 

marley walked forward slowly, turning javi's head before walking back

shauna pulled down her head warmer so it was covering her eyes, before dragging her hands up the boys body

once her hand reached his neck, she brought the up to where her other hand was, before slicing his neck 

"you guys should leave" shauna said and the few that were out there, walked back to the cabin 


everyone sat in the main section of the cabin as shauna walked in with (what used to be) javi on the tray

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