So it begins...

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Chapter 3

Morning practice was in full swing the squeaking of shoes on the court, the distinct sound of a volleyball making contact with someone's palm could be heard as it echoed in the gym. It's so quiet when he's not here, it's actually frightening whispered Suga to Datshi as they observed the other's practice. Datshi only reply was a low humm as he watched his teammates practice in the absence of one spitfire.

Coach Ukai informed them that Hinita called to inform him that he would not be able to attend the morning practice that it was just a family crisis that he needed to help with and that he would be at practice after school so there was no reason to worry.

School went on normally with Hinita just barely making it to class as he looked flustered and a little irritated in the way that he kept clenching and unclenching his fists is any indication. Kageyma just gave him a questioning glare but the redhead just huffed a puff as he sat down next to Kageyma not saying anything.

Kageyma was officially worried ... Not only did Hinita not talk to him except for a simple greeting he also kept looking at his phone with a grin as his eyes sparkled with something he could not place brake could not come fast enough Kageyma was going to get to the bottom of what that was but before he could even start Hinita was gone he just sprinted to the door not even giving an explanation.

Hana was busy packing her things away when Hinita burst into her class by the look on a few learner's faces he had startled them just as much as he did her. He walked straight to her desk looking anything but friendly before he motioned for her to follow him and so she did leaving a very confused class some blonde guy with glasses called out to Shoyo but he didn't seem to notice with the way he acted.

Hana .. Shoyo stared, his eyes never leaving hers as they held a staring competition under the tree he dragged her to wait for the other to break but before she could win Shoyo took out his bento box and handed it to her. Was it you he stared, irritation clear in his voice all that did was make her smirk grow as she now knew why he was being like this... Whatever do you mean Shoyo? All I did was repack your bento is there something wrong ??

Of course, there is he said a little louder than needed drawing the attention of some learners nearby and sending them apologies for being so loud Shoyo waited for an explanation.

Hana how can anyone eat the disaster that you made the meat is literally drowning in what I can only assume is vinegar by the strong smell and why is my rice a bright orange??? What did you do to it?? Do you want me to starve? His eyes were full of sadness for the loss of his food as he looked at his sister who stared at him with a blank face until her eyes widened sorry sho that's my lunch I must have switched our bento's while I was busy.

Hana took out his bento to exchange but he just looked horrified. Hana, how can you eat that?

It's really good sho you should try it sometime. They started eating while making small comments about their favourite foods. So how is your first day going, Hana?

Sho it's still a bit nerve-wracking but everyone in my class seems alright but you know I am still going to get you back for what you did .. How could you eat my chocolate bunny, this is war she said as Hinita just laughed but Hana are you ready for the show to begin? I am sure some of the team saw how I acted the stage is set now are you ready for the prank?

Ooo Sho they will not know what hit them just remember to act like we discussed and make them wonder she winked as she left early to go to class while Hinita went to find Kayema not that the bento of death was returned to its owner and his sweet bento was back were it belong.

Haikyuu !!  Hinata twinsWhere stories live. Discover now