Chapter 2 - my family

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Over time, I managed to learn the basics of healing magic. I discovered that I had a strong connection to nature and could harness its energies. My initial attempts were hesitant and uncertain, but with the support of the nature spirits, I gradually improved my abilities. I started by healing myself and strengthening my own body. It was a remarkable feeling to sense the magical energy flowing through my veins and see it alleviate my pain. It was as if I had an invisible connection to the life force of the universe. Finally, I had gained control over my magic and could heal my own wounds. Magic was no longer a mystery to me—it became a part of who I was.

But now it was time to test my abilities in purification magic. The food on my plate had long gone stale and turned cold. However, before attempting to neutralize the poison, I decided to take a bite to see how the poison would affect me and then use my healing magic to heal myself. With hesitant steps, I brought the spoon to my mouth and took a bite. It was just a simple plate of goulash, but for me, it was the first proper meal in many years. It was astonishing how much I had missed the taste of salt. But my joy was not to last.

Hardly had I swallowed the bite when I spit out blood, and an intense pain surged through my body. It felt as if my veins were on fire, and I struggled to breathe. Panic rose within me, but I remembered my newfound control over my magic. I focused and channeled the energy within me. With astonishing ease, I managed to alleviate the pain. Within seconds, the pain subsided.

Bravely, I reached for the spoon again and took another bite. I repeated the process until the plate was empty. Purification magic proved to be powerful and effective. I used it to cleanse some moldy bread that I had lying in a corner of my room. Through my magic, they became as fresh as if they had just come out of the oven. It was amazing to see how my abilities grew and how I could use magic not only to heal myself but also to improve my surroundings.

After a few days, the maid entered my room again. She was surprised to find me alive, took the tray, and ran away. Perhaps it would have been better if I had pretended to be dead. Then maybe I could finally leave this room. But what would I have done then? I was still a child, and although I could perform healing magic, I was not capable of effectively defending myself against thieves or monsters. To escape from here, I needed a better plan. Before I could think further, I heard several people approaching my room.

"Are you sure he ate it and is still alive?" I heard an agitated woman say outside the door.

"Yes, Your Highness," I recognized the voice of the maid from earlier.

The door swung open, and before me stood a woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was beautiful and wore a noble dress. I had seen her once before. The nature spirits had shown her to me in a vision. She was my stepmother. Beside her stood the maid and two men in uniform, holding swords in their hands. Suddenly, it dawned on me that they might now try to kill me with their swords instead of poisoning me. Fear surged through my body.

 Fear surged through my body

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